November 7, 2,007
Signs In The Sky!

Well, the videos seem to be working already! Got a series of obnoxious emails from a representative in Montana that began "You're not a Christian, you're not a Republican, you're not a candidate!" Later he said "I looked at your videos and most of them are completely against Republican ideals. " We don't really think so. God really believes that if the Republicans really have a chance to hear what we're saying and understand how they have been misled on many issues, He really thinks we can win them over! We've rarely known God to be wrong! But the videos should be something for radio and t.v. stations to work with, where we don't have segments from debats for them to take out, this is the next best thing!
John Lennon and George Harrison said "My God! We thought we could crank stuff out! What you did was like doing two whole albums in two days!" We think they're exaggerating a little bit! But this might be a good opportunity for the t.v. talk shows while their writers are out; all kinds of material for them to work with to really get the public up in the air! Maybe this strike isn't such a bad thing after all! If we could turn the creatures of Darkness' efforts against us into something beneficial, it would be really great if this whole scheme could backfire on them and actually increased The Kingdom Of God's power and get us really in the running! It would be absolutely phenomenal! And it would only take a little bit to do it! But we really would like to have it resolved because it's disturbing a lot of our friends.
We finished the topics Monday, so we'll be looking to make a list of things to do videos on next week. We gotta keep the site growing! But we're running into real time problems. We not only need the $30,000 to give us an income for a year, but enough to also hire a couple of people to help with the Work. We would really like to get somebody that speaks Spanish and could get a Spanish version of the Pesidential site up. But we would definitely have to buy more web space for that! And we're rapidly running out of credit! We keep saying that, but it's true. We've got to start cutting back soon, or get some resources coming in. But now the cause is even showing in the sky! Why do comets, unexpected ones, always show up when stuff like this is going on? This is definitely an unusual one! We're wondering how brilliant it will get and how long it will stay. There's no space ship hiding behind it. We don't want anybody contemplating suicide again! Nobody's coming to take them away!
We wrote to Michigan about the endorsements, trying to find out if these people are real or not. If they're not we certainly hope they've broken some campaign laws of some kind so they can be prosecuted! There are some things that are funny, and some that aren't the least bit, and this is one of those things that isn't the least bit!
In Tuesday's "Here's Jesus!" are two questions from April, 2,003, "Will the fans of "All My Children" be damned for watching the show because they will be featuring two lesbians kissing?" and "What are You and The Angelic Messengers doing now You're not helping the Iraqi soldiers and why did you stop?" Yet another very important episode not to be missed!

As we said, Gerald was busy emailing! He had a problem with Nebraska. Apparently they have a one house system, and their email did not designate between Republicans and Democrats, so Gerald mailed to all of them, 46 of them! There's probably some Democrats shaking their heads! Nevada was a little bit less confusing, but the darn computer messed up the email again and half the emails Gerald sent out had Nebraska on them instead of Nevada! But he got 10 senators and 14 assemblymen or, assemblypersons, whatever. New Hampshire was a little bit more fruitful! He got 9 senators, and 117 representatives! One of these people is going to be the one we need. Sooner or later it has to happen! Somebody is going to recognize what is available and take advantage of it. But Gerald's keeping each of the pieces of paper that he's recording the names on he reaches, and he's signing them. Maybe someday somebody will be taking a framed one into an "Antiques Road Show" of the future and asking if it's authentic and being told "Oh, yes! But it's only worth two or three thousand dollars!" Can you imagine what the notes Lincoln made during his presidential campaign are worth today?
Oh! Got a little message from King Tut to the leaders of the Egyptian government. "I'm extremely angry with you! And we will settle it the first opportunity I have!" I think somebody's gonna wish they kept him nicely wrapped!
Kingdom Of God very disappointed that members of Obama's staff kept Stephen Colbert off the primary ballot in South Carolina. His effect would've been minimal, would not have hurt any of the major candidates, and like any American he should've been given an opportunity to take part in the political system. Gerald wonders if there's some legitimate place that he could give him, and, his staff if he joins his campaign. It's something we'll have to think about!

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