Part 6

They picked an easily defendable place to camp. There was a series of rock walls jutting up from the flat terrain. By camping with their backs to a fall in one of these walls the demons could only attack them through a narrow passage.
With their backs to the fall the effect of the enemy's numbers would be greatly lessened.
Thor took the first watch but barely had the others laid down then arrows filed the air, and they rolled for what cover their shields could give. The arrows were followed by wave after wave of screaming demons. Soon the ground before them was piled with moaning or unconscious forms...but still they came. The fire that had been high began to burn low.
"We can't keep this up all night," said Balder, "I've already been scratched twice! I've never seen them so determined!"
"Perhaps a little thunder and lightning will dampen their spirits!" said Thor. Moments later the sky exploded in a raging storm. But still the demons came on, though lightning bolts crashed among them, sending many staggering off or laying them out on the ground. The warriors had to fall back, pressed harder and harder by the opposing force. They became separated, Balder and Thor on one side of the outcropping, Gerard on the other.
"Gerard," Thor suddenly screamed, "that thing you do in the morning....can you do it whenever you like?"
"Yes!" Gerard shouted back.
"Can you keep that form you change into....the one with the wings?"
"Not very long," said Gerard, "only a few moments."
"I don't know why," said Thor, "but frost demons are terrified of birds or bats...anything with wings, and that noise that comes when you change is worse than my thunder. The two combined may frighten them off."
"Get back as far as you can!" Gerard warned.
Still fighting he began to say the incantation. When he was finished the blast of the transformation sent many of the frost demons flying off head over heels. Those that still stood panicked and ran. As the light began to fade from the transformation Gerard saw a figure standing on the ledges not far away, a shimmering crown of ice crystals sparkled in the eerie light. In an instant vengeance was in Gerard's hand and with one mighty thrust he launched it skyward.
The figure on the ledges must've heard its passage, for he suddenly turned in the direction of the oncoming spear. It caught him in the middle of the chest, passing through him, it lifted him off his feet as it drove itself into the stone wall behind him. The demon king let out a loud cry and then hung limp. The other demons turned, then as if they were so directed to do so, fled into the night. The weary warriors stepped back against the stone and rested for a moment. Then Gerard rose. "Let's find the path up there," he said. "I want a closer look at our demon king."
It was Thor who found the trail and led the others up. The King still hung on the spear. None of his companions were anywhere to be seen. Gerard unscrewed the ground-point from the weapon, seized the King, and hauled him off it throwing him to the ground. Then, he screwed the ground point back on the spear and yanked it from the rock. "Do you want to change yourself," Gerard asked, "or do you want me to do it for you?"
The figure on the ground shook, then slowly darkness engulfed it. When the light returned about it, the figure laying there was Loki, not the frost demon King! Thor reached down and hauled Loki to his feet.
"You have," he said, "Loki, made much bad feeling between me and you as of late. If Gerard had not so seriously hurt you, I would be inclined to give you a lesson in hospitality. But I think I will wait until you are in better condition. THEN I will break you in half!"
"Please, Thor," said Loki, "all I did was to protect us, to protect all of Asgard from him who would destroy all gods."
Gerard shook his head. "Loki," he said, "why do you think I am your enemy? I am the enemy only of evil. Odin is not the kind of god I seek to destroy, nor is Thor, or Balder or even you, yourself! You are the essence of man's dreams. If I take from them the examples of pride, honor, courage, it woud be the same as giving them to those I despise. Even YOU man needs, for every man needs a little bit of mischief in his heart. Without you, man would be a mindless machine.
It is learning to control that mischief that makes men grow, makes them reach out and become better than they are. Pick him up, Thor, bring him along."
"Why don't I just throw him down?" Thor said, "Then we can pick him up when we get down there?"
Gerard looked at Thor. The burly Aesir shrugged, picked up Loki, and threw him over his shoulder. They went back down to the campsite, built up the dying fire. "I don't think we'll have any more trouble tonight," said Gerard. I'll stand the first watch. Let's get what rest we can." Gerard threw one of his skins over Loki.
"What will you do with me, Lord Of Light?" the god of mischief said.
"That will depend," said Gerard, "on how we deal with the problem you have created for me. Get some rest."
The next day they found Loki's mount grazing peacefully with their own steeds, not far off. It was nearly nightfall when they finally reached what they sought. Coming to a high ground above the river, they found a large dam sitting across the opening.
"I think, said Thor, "Loki should undo this matter and break down this thing he has had the frost demons build."
"Not that easy," said Loki straightening up on his steed's back. "Frost demons didn't build that." Gerard drew his sword and with terrible force threw it at the dam. The sword struck, then with a terrible crash bounced back, and

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