"Hugin, come hither, for I have news for Odin!" The raven turned, then came to light on one of the bridge's great pillars. "What is it that Heimdall would have taken to Odin?" the Raven asked.
"Tell Odin," said Heimdall, "that a stranger has entered Asgard, but he does not come by way of Bifrost, but stepped through a shimmering hole of gold. This man is dead, yet he is alive. He lies now, on a hill near the boundaries of Jotunheim and three giants have seen his fire and in the morning when there is light, will come upon him."
The Raven tilted its head back and forth. "Your message is strange," it said, "but I will tell my master Odin all that you have said. Good eve to you, Heimdall!" The Raven flew quickly to its master and as he sat listening to the evening's entertainment the Raven whispered in his ear.
"Interesting!" said Odin, "Only a Lord Of Light could enter my Realm thusly. What reason could one have to journey to Asgard? Thor, my son, come hither!"
A heavy built man, slightly taller than the rest in the Hall rose, and came to Odin's side.
"A stranger has appeared in my domain, uninvited," said Odin, "he now sleeps on a hill near Jotunheim, and three giants will come upon him in the morning. If you travel all night, you should get there before them. Go and fetch the stranger. Offer him my hospitality. I wish to know why it is he is here. Remember...he is a guest, not an enemy, and do not provoke him. You may find his powers great to reckon with!"
"I hear my Lord and Father!" Thor replied. "I make haste to do his bidding." As Thor hurrieed form the Hall another Aesir, Loki, who had overheard the conversation, followed. As Thor began his journey a hundred little things plagued him. The harness for the goats that pulled his chariot was not in its usual place. His cloak could not be found. As he traveled, a night insect irritated his goats, and trail markers disappeared, making him lose his way.
"If this does not stop," said Thor to himself, "I will not reach this stranger before the giants are done with him, and there will be little to bring back to Odin!"

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