February 11, 2,007
No Year In California

Jesus was explaining something to Gerald while he was working at the restaurant Friday that was so impossible that Gerald doesn't even know how to put it into words. Anna Nicole's husband wants his family to give Anna Nicole's daughter a million dollars, to put it in a trust fund for her until she is twenty-one and have her receive the interest each month to take care of her. Not as a final settlement, but just as a good will gesture to see that she is cared for until a final settlement is reached. Then he wants Linda to become her guardian, to take her and raise her because he says he would be assured with Gerald around that she would not be exposed to any drugs or perverts, and that her money would be there waiting for her when she grew up totally intact. As Gerald was hearing this he had a very hard time keeping from laughing out loud which would've probably made his coworkers think he was going out of his mind! We can't even take care of ourselves, let alone a child! He understands the man's good intentions but as he, himself, said, the child's father, whoever wins the battle, would never go for it. It's just a dream of getting the child to a safe place with people that would cherish and protect it. But there's just some things that are completely impossible! There's no court in the country that would agree to a proposal like that! There's just too much danger around us, we're simply too outspoken. But that the dear man has such feelings for our honesty gives us good feelings. We can perform miracles, but We don't think that's a miracle We could accomplish, not in this messed up world!
We've been asked why Anna Nicole's husband is speaking for her. Well, The Kingdom Of God considers she is too irrational at this time to make her own decisions and she has already made it clear that her husband would have the authority to speak for her if she was incapacitated. So he is the spokesman in all matters pertaining to her welfare.
The Judy Garland Concert was phenomenal! It actually caused a little flow of power, but nothing compared to what it could've done. People are complaining that they wish we could give them more warning on these things. They would like to have done things with it. But they already had guests schedualed and committments made. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do in these matters. Things happen in The Afterlife when they will. We have no control over them. The fakes can dream up anything and give people plenty of time. We can only give the truth when it is happening. We have no control, whatsoever! Fiday Jesus discusses the many people who have sent messages through us back to the world in the hopes they would be the ones to make us recognized by the public. There's been a lot of them! Here's the links!

(You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. See the link below.)


The dream Gerald has been having about moving to Los Angeles and taking the space in the top of the theater has continued with people coming from every possible type of company wanting our endorsements and offering us millions for them...Sears was providing our clothes, Nike our work shoes, an exclusive shoe company our dress shoes, we were even endorsing Bic pens! It just went on and on! Millions were pouring in and Gerald was dispersing it quickly paying for all kinds of projects, mainly publishing our Books which were bringing in even more funds. Now that is a really wishful dream! As we say, these dreams are continuing. In Saturday morning's segment a group of religious leaders were meeting with us in the theater during the day, before the rehersals on the show began....not just Anglicans, but a Catholic Bishop that had joined the effort, declaring that he recognized us as prophets of God. That these dreams continue is really strange because Jesus has told us that the possibility of us spending a year in California has passed. Even if The Anglicans were to rise up and separate from their church and want the Throne of God we could only stay in California a month to a time, and would have to return to North Dakota for two months before we could go back. We would need such a tremendous increase in energy for us to stay there a year, now, that it would be very difficult to get that much public support. The failure with Judy was a tremendous disappointment to The Kingdom Of God. Now we are just struggling to maintain enough energy to save mankind. If we could just get The Book going! If we could just find a distributor and make it nationally available! We could at least sustain the power levels. If that one project could be successful!
The special edtion of "Here's Jesus!" For Anna Nicole Smith is finally up at You Tube. Here's the link.

(You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. )


In Saturday's episode Jesus discusses how big a portal is, and what would happen to a demon if they tried to use one. Poor things! Here's the Links! (You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. See the link below.)



He that lives upon hope will die fasting. ( Benjamin Franklin )

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