February 12, 2,007
Obama In Real Danger! God Worried!

We mentioned in yesterday's email that Anna Nicole's husband had been given control of her affairs, that she had agreed to this. "If she is incoherent," someone has asked, "how oculd she agree to this?" Well, simply Those in the Afterlife plan ahead. It was quite obvious that Anna was going to have problems after she died. So before she died they called her into The Afterlife and had her declare that her husband would see to her affairs. This is very, very common, done all the time when it is known that people are going to have problems transgressing. Those in The Afterlife know completely what is going on in these matters and it's very unusual that They're caught unprepared. They're very good at being mankind's guardians. They've had a lot of practice!
Gerald's dream about moving to Hollywood continues, getting wilder than ever! Gerald was dreaming Sunday morning that there was a big pro gay rally in Hollywood and it turned into a giant riot! The homosexuals tried to storm the theater and shut down the show we were appearing on regularly. The police and national guard cordoned off the area and were fighting almost pitched battles with the demonstrators. Shots were even exchanged! But the show went on every night for about a week until the demonstrators were finally gathered up and jailed, some facing serious criminal charges! The show's host said at the end, "The network and I might not feel as strongly against homosexuality as The Polleys do, but by God, they will not stop this show and take away their right to speak. And if they don't want to speak to them, that's their problem! They never deny their right to speak any place else. They have a perfect right to choose who they will and will not converse with! And no one has a right to tell them that they have to speak to anyone that they do not wish to! They are American citizens and their rights will be protected rather those that want to force their beliefs on others like it or not!" As we say, just pure wishful dreaming! The other dream Gerald was having Sunday morning he won't discuss. It is simply too weird! In Sunday's episode Jesus tells if He would accept questions from Rosie O'Donnell and how Sydney Sheldon is doing. Definitely will be controversial! Here's the links!

(You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. See the link below.)


From our stats we have determined that Judy Garland's audio was listen to six times besides us. As we only gave the link to certain people it had to be them or somebody associated with them listening to it. Judy was so disappointed they didn't like it. Jesus is still suggesting comedy skits to some of those that we are associated with. He says coming up with ideas for skits is His hobby, how He relieves his tension! Some of them are pretty darned good and we wish people would use them. He suggested some individuals appearing on one show sing Gerald's song "Who's Got My Blue Jeans Now?" which He considers hilarious and that these individuals would be perfect for it. Would it really hurt anybody's reputation that much to say "Look, The Son Of God has been sending us skit ideas and we really like them! He's been working with The Polleys and keeps sending us ideas. We just have to use this one!" It would really make The Lord Of Heaven feel good, just to be acknowledged that He does have a sense of humor.
Those in The Afterlife are desperately trying to find something that will get people talking about us again, and visiting the web sites more, to bring the energy back up. But they can't imagine what They need to do if what They've already done isn't bringing in interest! There was one thing They were mentioning though, that we really think we ought to talk about. They want to make sure that Senator Obama has the best protection that can be given. They are really concerned about some of the vibrations They are picking up from people who still consider coloreds the way people did when segregation and slavery was in practice. It is sad to think that such people still exist! But there is a definite increase in the negative energy that they are putting out, and it is being directed towards the senator. If some crazed individual is picking it up he might try to do something stupid to defend his racial purity and keep the white race in power. We don't know exactly how the senator stands on gay marriage, rather or not he's an enemy of The Kingdom Of God, but The Kingdom Of God will fight in Their way. They do not want any lunatic doing him harm because of his race. There's been too much of that! So We hope everyone is vigilant and realizes there is a tremendous danger, that things aren't as accepted as they think they are.
Sunday morning we made an audio commercial for the "Light" and sent it to quite a few radio stations in Maine. But we were shocked by how many radio stations are controled by so few companies! Something really needs to be done! A few companies should not have control of so much of the media. It keeps differing opinions off the air. But here's the link to the version we put up on line. If anybody else wants to use it, they're welcome.


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