February 20, 2,007
Beyond Jesus' Expectations

Linda was listening to her favorite show Sunday night, "Feet To The Fire" and they had a Dr. Betty Martini on saying that aspartarme is very bad for you. Well, it is! Anything in excess is bad for you. But there's really no alternative. Sugar is twice as bad for you. It can cause all kinds of problems too, (especially diabetes!) any form of sugar, any sweetener that has been concentrated. The body is only designed to accept small amounts of these substances. When they are concentrated to the amounts that people desire them to fulfill their addiction to sweeteners they become dangerous. The only really safe sweetener is pure, natural honey, and not honey that has been produced by feeding bees sugar, honey that comes from natural sources. The Kingdom Of God really questions rather or not aspartarme causes autism. The Kingdom Of God thinks there is another cause for that. But as long as people crave sweeteners, as long as they cannot control their addiction for sweet substances, people will always have problems. Because even the best sweeteners in excess are dangerous. We can't argue with the basic premise of what this lady is saying. Some of her minor details might be off, but her basic premise is absolutely correct! Sweeteners are very bad for you! Here's another industry that's gonna hate us! We won't be getting any sponsorship from NutriSweet!
Again we got some obnoxious messages that said, in essence, "How can Jesus tell people to go ahead and do something when He feels it isn't going to work? Why would He tell your Workers to try to reach people in Ellsworth to establish God's earthly residence there if He feels it will fail?" Well, Jesus did not believe that He would ever return to Earth after He left because of people betraying Him for Bill Clinton! He did not think there was any hope of turning the situation around and that mankind was doomed, that they would no longer listen to him, so there was no sense in Him staying. But He was wrong! God found a hero, and that hero went to work; John Lennon. He rallied The Forces Of Heaven, beat Al Gore in The Presidential Election, and put President Bush in office and began the flow of energy back into The Kingdom Of God, the flow of energy that has totally rebuilt The Kingdom Of God, actually made It and Jesus more powerful than They have ever been before, given Them the power to destroy demons directly under perfect conditions! So Jesus knows that even He once and a while, can be wrong, not in negative things, but He knows once and a while God's power can even go beyond His expectations, can sometimes do things that even He does not think are possible. So that's why He's given the go ahead, because He knows the wondrous power of Those that serve God, and that sometimes They can please Him beyond His expectations.
Jesus has a very odd suggestion for the show hosts that get our email. He wants them to call the editor of the Ellsworth newspaper, The Ellsworth American, here's the phone number, (207) 667-2576 or you could send them a fax with the question (207) 667-7656 and ask him to do an interview with them and say "The psychic that comes from your area, Gerald Polley, says God wants to establish an earthly residence in your community, wants to live among you. Would the people of Ellsworth welcome Him? Would they accept His and Jesus' presence in their community, be willing to be the place from which They send out Their power to the entire world, where They would speak against those that wish to live in an alternate lifestyle, express their own sexuality and be empowering things against other people that are different, that want to worship their way? Would they welcome these two religious fanatics into their community, God and His Son that support the racist nation of Israel? Would this community really want that?" Jesus thinks it might be a good topic. Would any community really want Him and God to live among them? Would they really want that responsibility or would they rather have them go someplace else, take Their power and glory elsewhere? It's an interesting idea! It would awaken people to the possibility without us actually approaching a church! He thinks it might be a good idea to call local talk show hosts, too, morning djs and people like that in the area, and ask them the same question. Would they want God living in their community? It's just an idea that Jesus wanted to pass on. Would people really want Him in their town?
Here's the last video that was done before You Tube dumped us! It is Jesus praising Al Gore for his work on global warming. Audio episodes will start tomorrow, designed to be played on the radio.


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