February 27, 2,007
Messengers Disappointed

A lady that used to talk with us on You Tube has put up a video talking about us being dumped! It's really nice, and people have made some nice comments. We've got a lot of visits to our web site. If you'd like to check it out and make some comments yourself, here it is.


Jesus and Linda have been really busy Sunday. We had some of our first episodes of "Here's Jesus!" on tape. With the new recording system that Linda found Jesus was able to record them into the computer and clean them up so they're fairly useable. There's still a little noise and some glitches but the power is still there! So the next week's "Here's Jesus!" Is going to be mostly these old episodes. It still drives Gerald up the wall that Jesus can come through him and master the systems on these computers then start doing stuff before he can figure it out, then Jesus teaches him how to do it! Every once and a while Gerald would like to master something by himself! But he would never let that interfere with the Work. If somebody can come through him and get it done that's all that matters.


The Angelic Messengers are very disappointed. They reached many of the ministers that we contacted about boycotting The Oscars, and they realized the message was true, but then they just dumped our email and did nothing. Jesus talks about that in one of the episodes this week. How deeply saddened The Angelic Messengers are that man no longer listens to Them. The power right now, in Gerald's home town, is right off the scale! There is an Angelic Messenger and two or three relatives with every person in town that is really with The Kingdom Of God. We sent out hundreds of emails to businesses Sunday from the Chamber Of Commerce web site with the letter we sent to the Chamber Of Commerce. And those spirits were waiting with every single person that received one until they received it and They poured out Their power to them to accept and believe. This should have brought us dozens of replies, but not one! The people feel, they know we are true, they know the message is true. But they have been so poisoned by the material world they will not respond! Those spirits in Ellsworth are still trying! They will not give up until every last bit of power is gone. But The Kingdom Of God's frustration that everyone is so willing to destroy themselves for material pleasure is very, very profound.
It looks like we are going to be able to get the link on the local radio station at least for two months, and try to get God's messages to the people this way. Hopefully if the funds keep coming in we can keep the effort up! So many want us to do so much, but we simply do not have the resources. We keep looking for a publisher that will get our Works out nationally, get them into the bookstores to start bringing in funds so we would have more resources. There are so many pleas for help that we can't fulfill. Everybody in The Afterlife believes a breakthrough is very close but we still wonder if it will be in time. There is so much to do and every hour that passes increases the danger that We will be too late! But we'll let you know how this project works out.
And despite Al Quaida's claims in Iraq Hussein is still on the run! For the second day in a row The Spiritual Forces going in to fight the Darkness there have been virtually unopposed! We're sure just as soon as Hussein gathers some strength he'll be back. But We wish so much We could gain the power to keep him on the run, unwilling to fight! With a little bit of help We could do it, but We can't do it alone.

February 28, 2,007
Linda And Jesus Hustling

It's a go on the web site at the Ellsworth radio station, KISS! Our box should be ready some time Tuesday and will say Voices From Spirit. Here's the link to the page that the box will direct people to. www.voicesfromspirit.com/kiss.htm It will be up for at least two months, more if the funds keep coming in. We hope to be throwing some ads in the area directing people to the web site so we can put much bigger ones on that. If we had the sponsorship we'd like to have links like this on radio station web sites all across the country!
Jesus and Linda got seven audios done from the old tapes. So when the news came about these grave robbers claiming to have found Jesus' remains He made an episode on it for March 8th. He didn't want to change things around. He really lays it on the line! But people will have to wait until the 8th for it!
We got word Monday that the new issue of FATE magazine is out with our ad in it so people are receiving them and looking at them!
Here's the link to Tuesday's "Here's Jesus!" In it Jesus discusses why Him and Gerald sound alike and He also discusses rather John Lennon is an Angelic Messenger.


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