February 8, 2,007
Judy's Coming Back!

One of Gerald's Workers came to him Tuesday night as he was doing an art work and said "Sir, you're so distracted lately you're not seeing something. I know why God is so anxious for Miss Garland to disperse her power. She's reincarnating! I would say from the feel of the vibrations, she must be fighting even now to keep from going and being with the mother. I would say she'll be reborn in two months, perhaps a little longer. But the signs are obvoius. Someone mentioned to me that she kind of faded away during one concert. So I did some checking." "I'm an idiot!" Gerald muttered. "Of course! She won't be back in The Spirit World for perhaps a hundred years or more. The energy directed to her will go to her physical form. Will she be born in a stable country?" "I haven't acquired that information, sir," Gerald's Worker told him. "Thank you!" Gerald answered. "Would you please go to Mr. Cobain and ask him if he could verify this for us and if the lady wishes to make it public?"
A little while later Kurt returned. "Yes and yes," he remarked. "She is and you can! That's why we have such a short time." "And that's also why," Gerald remarked, "you haven't made your relationship public! You know it's going to be a very short one." "Well, my wife won't have to worry about competition!" Kurt remarked. "She's being born into a family that's very musically inclined. She'll probably be singing in public again by the time she's three." "I wouldn't doubt it!" Gerald laughed. "That answers a lot of questions!" That's the information as Gerald got it! And that's all he'll be given...a nice, stable country somewhere, to a fairly well to do family. That might be too much! But that's why Judy wants this opportunity so much. It will be the last chance she'll get to do something purely as Judy. That's why she wants this so bad. Gerald's Worker was right! He is too occupied. There is too much going on! He should've seen this. He should've realized it himself. He's really concerned he didn't.
Oh! Judy wanted us to mention that she's left a whole bunch of private messages for her loved ones in The Afterlife. They're being stored and will be given to them when they arrive. And she also said "I'm going to live long enough to go on one of those ships and help colonize the solar system! I want a reservation!" She's got one, and she probably will!
Just as Gerald got up Wednesday morning Judy came to him all timid. "I wanted Kurt to talk to you," she said, "but he said for this I should overcome my fear and talk to you myself. You've done this so many times, sir, I'm really scared I'm going to mess up again. Can you give me some advice? How do you live so many times without messing up?" Gerald laughed. "Oh I mess up sometimes!" he answered, "I'm a material being, I'm not perfect! But I've found there's two secrets to a successful life. The first one is every soul you meet give them everything you've got, pour out everything you have to them. Don't hold anything back. Sometimes you'll be disappointed, they'll take everything you give and give nothing back. But most of the time everything you give will be returned with extra. Even do for your enemies if they need it! Secondly, always be yourself. Never try to change to please anyone. Be what you are. If that isn't immediately accepted there's nothing you can do to change it. It's a sad truth, but a truth, nonetheless. So the best thing to do is simply be what you are. Accept yourself then those that really matter will accept you. That's how I've always done it! That's how it's always worked for me." Judy smiled and nodded. "I understand!" she continued. "I'm sorry I'm always afraid of you." Gerald laughed again. "That's perfectly all right!" he assured. "I'm often afraid of myself. It keeps me from getting too arrogant." Judy smiled again. "Thank you!" she praised, "I really think that will help! I think I see some of the mistakes I made before. Do you ever get weary of it? Do you ever get tired of it?" Gerald smiled. "I get frustrated sometimes, when people are so damned stubborn, but I never get tired of it." Judy nodded again, said thank you one more time, went to depart, then turned back. "You really should have children," she quickly remarked, "you really should!" then hurried off. Gerald wondered how many times he's given that advice, probably unountable! But he thinks this time this soul will get it right. He really thinks she will. Let's hope mankind survives and she gets her opportunity, and she does not find herself dying in a dying world, part of a race that will never reach the stars. That can't happen, it mustn't happen!
In Tuesday's episode Jesus explains what the gesture means he uses at the beginning of most of the epsides and why do some people think He's reading cue cards. Interesting stuff!

(You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. See the links below.)


February 8, 2,007
Judy Garland's Message At You Tube

So much going on had to send out this second email today to let everyone know there is a special edition of "Here's Jesus!" up at You Tube in which Jesus explains what is happening in The Afterlife with Judy Garland. We have been trying for the last few days to make it possible for Linda to sing Judy Garland's theme song from The Afterlife on a show Friday night so Judy could transmit her power throughout the world. Unfortunately we have failed. We have found out that God wanted to do this because Judy is reincarnating and this would be her last opportunity. Jesus speaks of it in this video. Spread the word about this! Judy needs your prayers. Here's the links!

(You Tube has shut down our account. This video is now only available on our web site. See the links below.)


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