March 13, 2,007
Spiritual Holiest Of All Moving Towards Ellsworth!

Something has occured which we should've thought of but that no one bothered to check on. The main portal in The Afterlife that feeds energy to it from the material world, which is normally called The Holiest Of All wanders about the Earth from power source to power source, draining them and moving on to the next one. The Holiest Of All has stopped Its ramblings and has begun to move towards Ellsworth, Maine, in a straight line. It is not being drawn off to any other power sources. It is believed that there is a tunnel of spiritual energy coming to it all the way from Ellsworth, and it is ignoring all other sources of spiritual energy! At the speed it is travelling it will reach Ellsworth on the sabbath of the 30th, just about sunset there. This may be why the other sacred places around the world sent the energy to Ellsworth, to make it the strongest source of psychokenitic energy in the world so The Holiest Of All would be drawn to it. So at sunset the 30th of March The Holiest Of All, Jerusalem in The Afterlife, will be centered directly over Ellsworth! The material and the spiritual world will be joined at that point. And it appears to be one of the most powerful joinings that has ever been seen! God's power is coming towards Ellsworth! It is believed that if God's earthly residence is established there Ellsworth may become the permanent most powerful source of psychokenitic energy on Earth, and that The Holiest Of All would stay there. There would be a permanent connection between the material world and The Afterlife! It has been noticed that other spiritual centers around the world have been sending out pulses of energy that join just ahead of The Holiest Of All, apparently drawing it towards Ellsworth, towards this great conjunction. This is phenomena that has never been seen before, wonders beyond understanding! No wonder the creatures of Darkness are so desperate to break this power, to stop this project!

Monday's "Here's Jesus!"

We'll admit we're not much into astrology, we simply don't have time for it. But if any astrologer out there can do a reading on this and tell us if there's anything in the cosmos, anything celestial that is happening at that time, we would be very interested! The world is desperately trying to save itself. It is desperately trying to empower those that are struggling to save it. We can't say it enough! Nothing like this has ever been seen before!
It has also been noticed that there is a secondary pulse from The Sacred Places all over the world that is not going to The Holiest Of All, but that is feeding energy to Los Angeles, California, more precisely, Hollywood. We could give people the exact coordinances. It is the same location where Jesus raised power for The Anglican Church at Christmas. The power is gathering at exactly the same location and impregnating the entire area for several blocks! The power of God is gathering at a secondary location. And it has to have a purpose. These things simply do not happen without a purpose! We've got a feeling we know what that purpose is. But it is something that others will have to take care of. We believe God is calling someone, calling one of His champions, calling one of His voices. And that voice must answer of his own accord. We cannot pressure it. This type of work can only come from a person's heart, from deep within them. They, themselves, have to hear God's message and respond. They have to hear this is happening, this is real, it is not a joke, it is not someone's imagination, it's not someone seeking publicity. This is God's power! They have to know that within themselves and act accordingly. We have been forbidden to try to encourage them in any way. God wants His people to come to Him of their own accord. He wants them to hear the message and say in their hearts "I know this is real, I can feel this power, I know it is part of me." We can only pray they answer God's call.
The Kingdom Of God is still reeling from The Pentecostal revolt. Over 100 of them, it's hard to tell exactly how many, left The Afterlife and joined the demons attacking The Forces defending Ellsworth. They directly attacked Jesus! They kept screaming "You're not our Lord! You betrayed us! You accept the sinners. You're not of God!" Several of them suffered eternal death in the assault. Everyone is just totally bewildered that people that have been so long members of The Kingdom Of God, followers of Jesus, could turn on Him, that these feelings have been hiding inside of them for so long, and now come to the surface and drive them to such acts of disobedience! Other Pentecostals are gathering to pray and to assure Jesus that they totally and completely follow Him, that they understand the renouncements that they have had to make, that they understand He must support the good even if it is outside His own faith, that He must oppose all evil even if it is within His faith. Everyone is just apalled! And if anybody things we make this stuff up, why in the hell would we create a situation like this when we've got an effort going like the one in Ellsworth? There's no way we would want to make such discourse! If something like this was to happen we'd much prefer that it happen another time. We have no control over these things whatsoever. They happen when they happen. We would like everything in Heaven right now to be total harmony. We need total harmony for the Ellsworth project! That the dark ones can create this disharmony and bring in discourse Everyone thought was long forgotten shows how desperate the situation is right now. We don't want this situation! We wish there was some way to make it quickly go away! But it won't. One by one these individuals will suffer the second death. Nothing can prevent it, they're not responding to any counseling. And that's going to hurt The Kingdom Of God, it's going to hurt the effort of saving mankind. Who in the hell would want this?


The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. ( Franklin D. Roosevelt )

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