March 24, 2,007
Sick, Sick Minds!

Besides the other stuff going on lately, Gerald is getting really irritated at the phony messages from porn sites getting into our regular email. One read "Saw your ad. Really interested!" when Gerald opened it he found it was a link to child pornography sites, really gross stuff. One site said "They're small and young but just as ready as full grown women!" Of course they didn't word it quite that way but Gerald won't use the language that they used. That people are so sick that they send out this garbage to decent people disguised as legitimate communication really disgusts us! Each of these incidences have been recorded into The Book Of Life. And when this person that sent them out records that they did these things they will have a very short existence in The Afterlife! Anyone that enriches themselves by exploiting children is only looking forward to eternal death. And why do all these idiots think that every man wants to enlarge his manhood? Don't they think that there are men that think of other things and are perfectly happy with what they have? These people are so gross, their mind so twisted and warped, that it is hard for decent people to even comprehend how they could've gotten this way. Not that we have anything against intimacy. In it's proper place with the proper individuals it's perfectly acceptable. But why mankind has so degraded something wondrous and beautiful is beyond understanding!
Another article that Gerald came across lately that really irritated him, was one complaining that the public was gross because many of the favorite female singers on American Idol were overweight, and that they shouldn't even let them on the show, that American men don't want to see a bunch of husky women singing, they want attractive young girls. A person's singing voice doesn't matter, it's their appearance, and that American Idol is supporting the fat culture. We guess these people only want singers that are anorexic, starving themselves to death to be popular. True, we do encourage obese people to lose weight, it's good for their health, but we don't enocurage young women to starve themselves to death to be popular. The common popular female shape is too thin and unhealthy. This is another example of the twisted American psyche that people are complaining about something like this. What matters with a singer is how well they can sing, not their physical appearance. We've known some great singers that would never win a beauty contest but have the crowds up on their feet everywhere they perform, as it should be.
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" He discusses why The Pentacostal betrayal in The Kingdom Of God is happening now, and the trouble John Lennon is having replacing those Pentacostal leaders that have suffered the second death.

Came across a news article that The Iranian delegation to The UN is protesting the film "300" because it says it distorts history and makes their Iranian forbears look barbaric. Well, if anything this film is kind to their forbears. At the time of The Greek Persian War, The Persians were lead by a cruel, merciless dictator that believed himself a God, and whose destiny was to rule the world. He butchered any resistance, whatsoever, to his rule, killing every man that dared speak against him, and, his entire family, usually by burning them alive. The whole goal of the Persian culture at that time was to conquer the world, to make their leader its absolute ruler, to make their religion the world religion. That The Greeks were able to hold off this empire and establish the foundations of democracy was a miracle! The Spartan defense that gave their neighbors time to rally forces to drive off the Persian onslaught was heroic, despite the fact that they were betrayed by their own people. These people that try to rewrite history to make their ancestors look better than they were are really irritating. The thing is, the descendants of The Persians haven't changed. They are still led by a cruel, merciless dictator that wants to kill anyone that gets in his way. And they still want to force their religious beliefs on the rest of the world. It seems to be a mindset they cannot escape. But they cannot expect other people to accept their twisted version of history. The Kingdom Of God never will!
Another article in the news of interest is that Houdini's great nephew wants to have his body exhumed and examined for poisons. We are asked for Houdini's comments on this. Houdini says "Absolutely and positively not! Leave me at rest! Put these stupid ideas out of your mind and find something better to do. The Voices Of God need people to help save the world. Put your resources to that. Do not disturb my eternal rest. I will curse you if you do! Let the past go. Stop coming up with conspiracy theories. I took on something I couldn't handle and I paid the price. Let's not try to make it look like somebody murdered me to try to cover my stupidity. Let it go!"
Speaking of trying to save the world, The Democrats are really trying to destroy the effort in Iraq! They want so much for The United States to lose there they will sacrifice the entire world for their political gain, turn The Middle East into a blood bath, to put one of their people into The White House and have political power. The sickness of their minds is appalling! Every American should be putting their full effort into winning the war in Iraq because it is pivotal to the survival of mankind. The spiritual battles around Ellsworth, Maine grow in intensity every morning. The creatures of Darkness are summoning everything they have from around the world! They're putting their whole resources into stopping this effort. They are terrified of it! Mankind should understand and be working to make this effort successful. If the creatures of Darkness are so afraid of it, it has to be something incredible!


How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep Holidays than Commandments.
( Benjamin Franklin )

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