March 31, 2,007
Mary To The Battle

It is hard to believe the dark ones could've gotten through our defenses and caused the misfortune that Linda suffered Wednesday! But there is little doubt they took advantage of it! Because for the first time Thursday morning Hindu demons in large numbers attacked Jesus at His position defending Ellsworth, Maine. But they were met by one of Gerald's oldest and bitterest enemies, the goddess Kali and her followers, themselves some of the strongest domons in the Hindu countries formed ranks before Jesus and met the other demons defending Jesus. Even still the battle was appalling! Again many of The Angelic Warriors were injured and would not heal soon enough to be able to fight again, Friday, But The Kingdom Of God has ample reserves, fresh troops will be on the line Friday, ready to meet any new attack. After the battle Jesus expressed His gratitudes to Kali. She would not answer His remarks verbally, but did nod t Him in acknowledgement. It still makes Gerald's skin crawlthat these foul creatures are cooperating with Us! We would be hard pressedto win many battles if they were not fighting with Us! It shows how desperate the situation is! But anyway the lines have heldm The Kingdom Of God's power cannot be broken! If We could only make the world aware of what is happening!
Gerald noticed in a propaganda video thar The Iranians are putting out if the abducted British sailors they are forcing the female captive to wear a headscarf in the barbaric custom of that land of shaming women, and making them cover their heads becuse they say theyy are dirty and defiled. Hosws can reasonable people believe such nonsense?
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" He speaks about why Those of the ancient worlds aren't guiving man advanced technologies, and what it was like for Him to become a man.

People cannot believe it when we tell them that no sporting events, whatsoever are being rebroadcast into The Afterlife! When we told a friend that no shows execpt for local news broadcasts are being broadcast into The Afterlife and one late night talk show that is Jesus' favorite and that is giving Him energy to regenerate after His nightly battles, no other television broadcasts from the material world are going into The Afterlife at this moment. Those that normally rebroadcast them are being used to transmit messages into the material world, trying to raise the people to make Ellsworth, Maine God's earthly residence. Every bit of The Kingdom Of God's resources is being put to this effort. Nothing is being held back! Our friend says his mother, who is in The Afterlife, could not live without her soap operas, that he cannot believe that she would give them up for anything, Well, for the time being she is giving them up for The Lord Of Heaven, To her and to all the other residents of The Kingdom Of God He is more important than anything else that exists. Some have already given up their very existence for Him. Others will give up their soap operas!
We have received a report from Iraq that was not unexpected. Though Hussein has found a way to pass in and out of the barriers that surround that country the ordinary demons, the young ones that were suicide bombers and insurrectionists can't. Now that the energy has been cut off that was being sent in to them from elsewhere to fight Jesus in Maine there is not enough to sustain all the demons in Iraq and the younger ones are starving to death. Spiritual warriors working for Muhammed have been led to their hiding places by their horrid cries! Few can bear to watch their agony. It is simply undescribable! They are slowly shriveling up, constantly convulsing. They appear to be hideously deformed babies. Again and again those finding them offer to open a passage into The Afterlife so the demons can pass over, go into The Afterlife, and end their horrible suffering with etdernal death. But the demons refuse to accept this mercy. Some have been seen finally collapsing in on themselves and dissolving into nothingness. It is an agonizing eternal death, simply beyond description! No die off of demons like this has been seen since the end of World War Two when hundreds of Nazi demons in Germany and Imperial Japanese demons died off in those countries.
We have put up a picture of Linda in her arm brace and sling. Here's the link.

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(Cont'd Next Page.)


How Rumors Are Born

As we came back from Linda's trip to the specialist about her broken arm, John Lennon said "You know, no matter how much you tell people this was just an accident, two grown people horsing around when they should've known better, somebody's gonna start spreading the story that some demon fighting Linda in her spiritual form broke her arm, and the injury was transferred to her physical form. Once the story starts spreading you're not going to be able to stop it! It's just going to grow and grow until it becomes part of legend and people will be saying over and over again, 'Oh, they keep saying it was an accident but everybody knows the truth!'" John might be right. There's every possibility that such a story could spread. But there's only one problem with it..50 demons couldn't break Linda's arm in her spiritual form! They wouldn't have a prayer, not a hope of it!

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