March 2, 2,007
Who Caused That?

Well, the Ellsworth site is up and running! Here's the link!

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Go down to the bottom of the page on the left and there's a cute little black box with the words "Voices From Spirit" in it. You click on that and it takes you right to the page with all the information! Jesus wanted us to run the 30 second ad directing people to the link every hour on the hour. That would've been a total of $345.00! He wanted us to run the 15 second one on the half hour. That would've been $230.00 for a total of $575.00 for just one day! Of course there was no way we could've done that, not til we find that rich sponsor! We had to settle for three runs for the 30 second ad on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and two runs of the 15 second ad on Thursday and Friday for a total of $55.00. And we had a hard time scraping that together! That's all we're going to be able to do for quite a while. Because our credit card is just about maxed out! And Gerald wants to pay at least half off each month. So we can't go much deeper in debt. But Everybody in The Afterlife was desperate to get God's message to Ellsworth in some way. They firmly believe if it's heard enough times people will start responding. Gerald is still doubtful. We've just been disappointed too many times. The power is there. But it just doesn't get through. The Darkness surrounding people is just too strong!
The latest magazine is up and running! As we said it's a little empty, just the daily emails and a few other little things. But it's the best we could do right now. We keep dreaming of having a typist to help Linda, and someone else to help her do the housework. There's just too much! Gerald sometimes has to make her go to bed. We can't let her get too tired! Here's the link!

Oh! Gerald forgot that there was something new in his dreams! As he said before he keeps dreaming about refurbishing an old department store in downtown Ellsworth as our national headquarters and building our residence on the roof. There's a contractor in the dreams that's doing the work and Gerald keeps asking him how much it will cost. And the man keeps saying "It's all being taken care of! It's being built with the finest materials and all stuff you won't be sensitive to. It will be all hardwood floors, varnished, not treated with any kind of plastic coating. And it will all be rugs, no inlaid carpets. Just be patient! We want you to wait to see it when it's just about done." "All right!" Gerald would agree, "All right! You're paying for it! As long as it's got all the space we need." "Five bedrooms, three baths," the contractor answered. "Plus your studio. Just what Jesus wanted!" Gerald remembers that there's something odd in the dream. The contractor is gesturing constantly, but Gerald can't really see his left hand. It's as if it's in shadow all the time, and he can't quite make it out. But he's had this part of the dream several times. It always ends with the chairman of the city council calling and saying that Gerald has to get to the city hall because The President will be there any minute. Again, this is not one of those real realistic dreams. Gerald knows he's dreaming. But he keeps wondering "Could you build a house on that building's roof after putting extra support pillars in the building, iteself?" He doesn't know why, he just likes the idea!
Here's Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" In it He discusses how He made John Lennon an Apostle and why some homosexuals continue to insist that Gerald is gay when he repeteatedly tells them he is not. Interesting and controversial as always! Here's the link!

One of those strange things happened yesterday that has Everyone scratching their heads and wondering "What to hell?" There was a tremendous energy surge into The Kingdom Of God, badly needed power. But what caused it nobody has the slightest! It started in Bucharest, Hungary, spread through Europe, shot over to South America, spread through there and The Carribean, went over to China, spread through China, Russia, The Middle East, then crossed over to North America and completely filled that area! It lasted for several hours and then faded exactly the way it had spread. The Kingdom Of God loves to generate this kind of power, but They have no idea whatsoever, what triggered this response! Something caused the love of God to spread throughout the world. It was passed from subconscious to subconscious and virtually everyone responded! Creatures of Darkness of horrendous power were fleeing to their deepest, darkest hiding places. If anybody hears anything about something of religious significance happening in that area, do let us know! We would definitely like to find whoever it was that caused this surge!


Hard To Let Go

Again and again we receive complaints that what we say is utter foolishness because Those in The Afterlife know everything instantaneously. Nothing is kept from Them. The moment you die you're fully enlightened, totally at peace, and all your problems are gone. Boy! If that was only true! People take their hangups with them to The Afterlife. They come to The Gates Of Heaven believing some of the stupidest and most ignorant things. Klansmen believe that Heaven is segregated. That's just one example. Do they get a nasty surprise! Sometimes it takes quite a while for people to lose the wrong thoughts that they have in life. Sometimes even when they denounce things that are not true, in times of crisis the things they believed in so much when they were alive come creeping back and cause them to disobey and destroy themselves. Sometimes it is very hard to let go of a false teaching, it is very hard!

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