We did not believe that the spiritual battles around Ellsworth, Maine could become more intense, but they have! With the arrival of the spiritual Holiest Of All, the greatest psychokenitic Gate into The Afterlife, over Ellsworth, the demons seem more determined than ever to break through and break up the power there, and drive it away! It is insane! We have received no emails, we have received no contacts, yet the demons fear this above anything, and We can't understand why they are so terrified of it! But they are throwing everything they have at it!
Mary, Jesus' Mother, insisted that He take a night's rest from the battles, and recouperate from His wounds, and she, herself took the position that He has been holding to the north, and left her post as chief spiritual Guard over the Saudi Arabian Royal Family, and came to do battle there. And many of the great spirits that guide The Saudi Royal Family and guard them came with her and joined her in the battle. All the other ladies from Heaven took the places of the men who have been fighting so valiantly there, and Friday morning met the onslaught with such fierceness that the demons thought they had literally walked into hell! When it was over the ladies had won, they had driven them back with more losses than they had suffered in many days! Mary returned to Saudi Arabia with some slight wounds and was their conquering hero! They were cheering her and praising her in The Afterlife, saying "The Mother Of God on Earth has shed her blood for us! She has bled for us! She has suffered for us! How honored can we be? We are the most honored people in all the world that she has stood and fought for us!" They went crazy over it. This is such incredible phenomena! If the people among the living could only understand the greatness that is happening around them at these very moments, and come and support those who are fighting so valiantly for them, and suffering for them because these wounds that these people suffer hurt, they hurt like anything, and they are suffering for them.
These are incredible phenomena that have never been seen before! The whole world should know what is going on. People should be crying it everywhere! We monitor the news daily. We can't believe that those that are supporting the demons, that are feeding them are not getting sick because they have to be drained of their vital life energy. We can't believe that we have not heard news reports that either Hillary or Bill Clinton have cancer or leukemia, or have had strokes or heart attacks, or something, or the Democratic leaders of the senate that are feeding the demons and supporting them and trying to destroy the war in Iraq are coming down with grave illnesses and dying right and left. It is just impossible! Somewhere people are dying because that is the only way that these creatures of Darkness can be sustaining these battles at this level. They have to be taking life energy from their supporters!

The Old Fox teaches Red Fox about The Unreal World.
From "Light The Divine History Of Spiritism: From Hades To Earth"

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