79 One time many people came to him with a complaint. "Speaker," they complained, "there are Speakers in our land that say they are of The Lords. They do appear to have great power, they give the people good advice, and through them our people speak with their Loved Ones.
80 But some of these Speakers, Lord, serve only the rich. They charge a high fee for a visit with The Beloved, or for counseling of any kind! Now some say this is not right, and others say that it is. Which of them, Lord, is right? Which of them, Lord, is right? What should they do?"
81 Now, when Bold Fox heard this he was quite angry. That any Speaker should neglect the poor was unforgivable, and that they charged for their services was unthinkable.
82 "This must not continue," he ordered. "It shall be made a Law; no Speaker may charge a fixed price for any service. Any who do so, are not of The Lords, but of The Darkness. They wish to fill their own pockets, not serve the people. But not saying a grateful people cannot give gifts to a Speaker, but those gifts should be for their support, not for their enrichment.
83 A good Speaker would use such gifts for The Temple, to house, clothe, and feed the poor, not to enrich themselves 84 If any Speaker should break this rule, let their staff be taken from them, and let them be put out of The Temple, for they serve not The Lords."
85 Now some, when they heard this, were angry. But the majority of the people were pleased.

From "Light The Divine History Of Spiritism: From Hades To Earth"

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