April 24, 2,007
Exactly What We Have Been Predicting!

Well, We found out why the demons were after Governor Schwarzenegger and The Kingdom Of God is still concerned about their superior intelligence. And people cannot say that We did not call this one! The death of congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald is just exactly what We have been telling people to look for; a Democrat, an enemy of The Kingdom Of God, a supporter of election reform, which to The Democrats means public financing, which The Kingdom Of God vehemently opposes. We're sure if her voting record was checked it would be shown that she supported many other things that The Kingdom Of God didn't like! A resident of Los Angeles, right in the worst of the fighting, who dies right after a major battle. There is little doubt she was one of the creatures of Darkness' major workers and they drained her dry, took all her life energy and drew others' life energy through her to battle The Forces Of God and it killed her, it destroyed her. She is as much a victim of their evil as anyone else! But the energy signature is there, as plain as any who have the power can read it. She served the Darkness, and the Darkness devoured her. It can be no plainer, it can't be more obvious! No one can possibly believe that all of this is mere coincidence! What we have been saying has been proven. What The Kingdom Of God proclaims has been shown! There will probably be more. The creatures of Darkness are desperate. They have not been able to attack in Ellsworth again for a third night! More reinforcements are coming from overseas, another attack is inevitable. But The Kingdom Of God is regenerating. We are getting more publicity, and The Kingdom Of God's power is growing! And it is obvious the creatures of Darkness are weakening. If We could get a major breakthrough there is a good possibility We could turn the tide of battle in The Kingdom Of God's favor. We could save mankind!
There is a Bible verse somewhere that says in the final days the sane shall be called insane and the insane sane. People constantly bring this up to us when they bring us some report that someone has said we're crazy, and that we're only doing this for money. If we were doing this for money, we would've quit long ago, because we're not making any! Jesus is offering incredible rewards to those that will bring us to the public and support us. He is offering to make them His spiritual stewards over the new worlds We settle when We go to the stars, to make them the equal of Lord Peter. Many laugh and say they wouldn't want the job, but who would actually refuse such an honor if it was offered? Yet people are turning against Us because We are exposing people saying truly insane things. Sometimes many of Our friends think this is the end of the world. But Jesus has asked Us to say again that He is offering these rewards. Some will have to give up ideas that they cherish that are not truly the way of God. Some will have to tell those they love that they are wrong, and this is not the way of God's Kingdom, but to receive God's rewards you must do God's will. We already have untold rewards! We have a place with our own people. We cannot take any of these places that Jesus offers. We desperately need to fill these positions. People in The Afterlife are reaching out to the living asking them to take the leadership of certain groups. There is power untold! We can't get anybody to use it! But we will keep trying because we know there are people out there that want these rewards, and know that we aren't crazy! And sooner or later they will say "Sorry, folks! I do not like to hurt your feelings, but I have to speak the truth because I want those rewards The Lord Of Heaven is offering." Some day it will come, and many will be bitterly disappointed that they lost the opportunity they have, bitterly disappoitned!
The contest is still going on among Those that want us to live in their particular state. Each of them is trying to be the one to get a publisher to us that will take all the books we have on line and put them in the bookstores, and get Gerald's fiction works into the stores. The group that does this, that's where we'll end up living. This is what Those in Maine are desperately trying to do. But Those elsewhere are trying, also. Jesus firmly believes that sooner or later there will be a winner, and Gerald will be free of a daily job, we can hire people to help with the Work and really get stuff done. But he has had this dream for many years, and it has not come to pass. Many will sorrow and grit their teeth because they failed The Son Of God. They will say over and over again "But Lord, how was I to know it was true?" and Jesus will answer "I told you, and you heard me tell you, but you rejected me for the love of man. You do not know me! Begone!" We fear too many will be destroyed by that.
Walt Disney wanted to make these comments. Again, if you have someone you might like to hear from, let us know. There are hundreds waiting! But They would like to have someone ask for Them.... Generates more power!
Walt Disney here! I have to tell the world I am absolutely appalled by the cartoons that are now on television. It is little wonder that God's Workers, The Polleys, who I endorse and support, and ask the public to support, will not watch them. Each year they grow worse and worse. Each year the writers put in more and more insanity. I send a message to those that used to know me so that they will know these are my words. I never made anything I would not want my own children to watch. That was my rule. Any that hear this would know that this message is from me. And I ask all the world, stop making cartoons that you would not want your children to watch! Walt Disney, A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God Who Now Makes Cartoons Depicting Its Glory Which My Children Will Be Delighted To Watch.
In Monday's "Here's Jesus!" He talks about cheating referees at sporting events, and who killed Kennedy. A strange combonation but interesting!


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