May 28, 2,007
The Duke Fighting Mad!

So much yesterday we didn't get to report everything. Pope John Paul is also down, hopefully only for a few days. He is a tough old Pope! The demons had so much power that they were able to form it into javellines and throw them into the Defenders. These weren't very effective against the fighters. When They saw them coming they simply overlapped their shields and they bounced off! So the demons took to throwing them at the noncombatants evacuating the wounded. Pope John Paul was helping evacuate Mary Magdalene and shielding her with a fallen fighter's shield, when one of these javellines took him in the head, which is enough to put any spirit out of action for a while. These foul creatures have no conception of honor or dignity!
Also George Harrison was wounded by one of these javellines under very similar circumstances, though it was only a common fighter he was evacuating. Notwithstanding, the Defenders were not appreciative of this tactic the demons were using, and whenever they got a chance made them quite aware of that! Let's just say many of the javelline throwers will be a long time recouperating!
Another unfortunate circumstance was that somewhere the creatures of Darkenss acquired mounts. At one time they must have been horses but they were so twisted and deformed that they were hardly recognizable! However they could carry the creatures of Darkness into battle and their presence nullified The Kingdom Of God's cavalry. The two forces kept each other engaged all night and neither was able to assist their comrades, which was a disappointment to The Kingdom Of God's Forces. The night would've gone differently if They could've used Their cavalry effectively!
Another thing that happened during the conflict was that two of the spiritual barriers in LA collapsed, but a little while after the fighting ended, regenerated. The power was simply needed elsewhere.
All in all, it was quite a night, one no one really wants to see again for quite a while, quite a while! Like, never? It's impossible to tell how many demons expired. There are only reports of three of them that can be confirmed suffering the second death. But there had to be more! Because of the energy that they had they were able to crawl off the field and expire out of sight. It will probably never be known how many of them were destroyed, but the dark creatures' numbers have definitely been thinned. Unfortunately there's plenty to take their place, and more coming into existence every day. But those that took a pounding will be a long time healing at the current rate of energy We're detecting. Let us pray they don't get another source!
We made some comments about Buddy Holly on the forum and he wanted us to share them with you.
Gee, haven't heard from Buddy for quite a while, ever since they did the episode about him on "Quantum Leap" which he went absolutely crazy about. Believe then he was working as an announcer on one of the networks in The Afterlife. We didn't really talk that much. Don't know if he's still doing the same thing now, or not. But he kind of got out of singing. Just lost interest in it. They can't all keep doing the same thing they did in their lifetimes!
Also, John Wayne is very angry that some people on the forum are making fun that he took part in the battle to defend Jesus and The Kingdom Of God. He asked us to ask everyone to come to the forum and speak out, to defend us. He says "As soon as I heard about The Polleys and saw the work they were doing I became a devoted follower, and support them any way I can. It is an utter shame that people that know that they are absolutely and positively real will not support them because they are afraid of public ridicule, afraid of being called fanatics or bigots because they stand with the truth of God. Well, I tell the world, I will fight for God, I will fight for His Son, and I will fight for those who serve Him in the material world, as well! And I ask everybody else to do so. I am glad I died when I did. I would not want to be in the world today and see what is going on now, that there are only a few valiant, courageous people that will stand against evil, that the majority of people are blindly accepting it because they want to be part of the in crowd, to be politically correct. I am glad I am not part of such a sick world! I am glad I am now where all truth is known and can be on the right side without any doubt of what I am doing! Everyone is asked to give a message. Well, I'll speak to an old associate of mine. You once called me a bigot and because of that you had to stay out of sight of the public for quite a while because you did not want to explain what had happened to your face. You have kept that incident a secret. I wish that you now tell the whole world of it while you have time to do so. I want your face to be pretty when you arrive here and not have any scars. Marion Michael Morrison, A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God And A Defender Of It, Now, And, Forever. Here's the address to the forum. Get there! Speak for me!" Unfortunately we were blocked out of the forum and people can no longer respond. It's a sad world!
Sunday's "Here's Jesus!" is an entirely new episode in which Jesus answers the questions "Why do You want Paris Hilton to be Demetrius' travelling companion?" and "Who would You want to be Linda's?" Very informative but we're sure you'll get a chuckle out of this one!

(Cont'd Next Page)


A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril.
( Sir Winston Churchill )

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