Before We even get this email out, we have gotten a couple of interesting responses. One was "You say you have many people out there that believe in you but won't speak. Do you have any idea how many?" Well, Jesus has given us a figure of 211, influential people around the world and The United States that know we are absolutely real, that everything we are saying is true, but will not go public, more than enough to save mankind and, to save the world. When all of these people realize what they have done, especially if mankind is lost, it will destroy them. No question of it, their own grief, their own horror of what they have done will destroy them! There is no question of it. Because they gave in to the public and would not do the will of God, it will crush them, that simple. Because they couldn't say the simple words "I know these people are true, I know what they're saying is true, and I support them with everthing I have." It's that simple! Though God will not punish them in any way, will not even rebuke them, what they have done will destroy them forever. And these are High Souls, Souls that have been around for a long time and know better. But still, what they're doing will destroy them forever, because they are refusing to obey God's wishes, even though they know the messages they are receiving are true.
On another note, we've been asked "We know how powerful Jesus is. Why doesn't The Kingdom Of God simply take over the executives of AOL and make them do what you want them to do?" There is little doubt if We wanted to do that We could, but that would probably insure the destruction of mankind. All who serve Us all who work with Us must do so of their own free will. We might use bound servants, those working with Us to save their souls, for simple purposes, but the major positions must be filled by people that come to Us totally and completely of their own desire, or We would not get the power We need to work with. It is unquestioned! The Kingdom Of God could make people do what They want them to do, but in doing so They would destroy them. Their hate and anger when they entered The Afterlife because they didn't have their own way would destroy them just as readily as their lust and greed! And The Kingdom Of God cannot take such actions. Though people don't understand there are rules even They must follow, proceedures They can't violate. And violating someone's free will is one of them. We can teach, We can destroy the worst evil, but We cannot force others to do what We want. We would be as bad as the creatures of Darkness!
Also, we've been asked "You keep saying that the homosexual movement is soon going to collapse, that people will be turning against it, turning against those who are openly gay and lesbian. Is Rosie O'Donnell leaving The View evidence of that, proof of what you're saying? Is Elisabeth Hasselbeck one of the servants of God fighting these creatures of Darkness? I cannot believe that anyone on national television would say our valiant troops in Iraq were terrorists! It just about broke my heart! Are those speaking against Rosie the servants of God?" The answer to this question We believe, is yes. We believe this is a definite sign that those in the entertainment industry have had just about all they can take of the major homosexual advocates and are beginning to turn against them. The current spiritual battle is probably triggering much of this activity, because those that really serve God subconsciously sense what is happening and are turning on those that attack Him for their perverted lust. We expect to see more of this in the near future, very notable homosexual advocates being pushed out of the public forum.
One final note. We were asked "I don't understand what your issue is with AOL! Can you explain to me in the simplest possible terms if you could speak with their executives what it is you want?" It's simple! We want our right of free speech! We want to be able to post on their forum and not have their moderators take our posts down because they disagree with our topics, no matter how radical they think they are! If we want to say that Cheney's grandchild is the antichrist and the creatures of Darkness are using hm to channel energy to destroy Jesus, we have a right to put up that post. People have every right to disagree with us and converse with us, but they have no right to claim that we are drug addicts and insane because we have a different point of view, because we are speaking for The Kingdom Of God! All we are asking for is fairness and decency! We have to say that homosexuality is an insanity. That is a fact. We are not teaching hate, we are not teaching prejudice, we are making a statement of fact, and we should have a right to express our beliefs, even if others don't like them! The illusion of freedom of speech in America is destroying The Kingdom Of God, destroying Jesus. That is what we would tell any executives of AOL. They are blocking the messages of The Kingdom Of God. They are destroying mankind. The Kingdom Of God only wants equality with the creatures of Darkness, only wants the ability to speak in every forum that they speak in. And we do not believe that is unreasonable!


A Few Words From Pancho Villa

One of the things that the obnoxious people on the forum laughed at was that the great Mexican revolutionary leader Pancho Villa gathered a force from Mexico and came up to help Jesus defend Ellsworth, Maine. They thought this was really hilarious, a real joke! Pancho Villa scratches his head and asks "Why? Why would these ignorant people not believe that I would defend God and Jesus? I brought many of my countrymen with me that also fought for the cause of freedom. Do these people not understand, if The Kingdom Of God dies we all die? I have descendants that would not survive if this great catastrophe happens. I, like all of the Mexican people that strive every day to bring our people out of the Darkness that is slowly devouring them, believe that The Children Of The Light, Jesus and God, are our only hope. Why would I not take part in this great struggle? Why would I not lead my people in this great battle? I do not understand why anyone would think I would stand by and watch my children die!"

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