June 21, 2,007
Fallen Heroes

The first thing we must talk about this morning is the tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina with the nine firefighters that were killed. They are all safe and sound in The Kingdom Of God. But here's one of those odd little things. John Lennon immediately wrote a song about the tragedy, praising the firefighters and telling how dangerous it is in these fires because they put too much weight on the roofs and the supports can't take the heat, and many buildings don't have sprinkler systems because the contractors want to save a few dollars when they build them, that the weight needs to be taken off the roofs, and the supports made stronger. When the firefighters heard about it they were deeply honored, but they asked John not to use the song, not to send it through to us because they do not want to make discourse in their community right now. They said that people were aware of the problems and campaining to fix them. But if it was talked about now it would upset people when they are upset enough. Those in The Kingdom Of God disagree! They believe this is the most appropriate time to bring these things to the public's attention. But the first rule that We work by is to respect the wishes of those that we are transmitting information on. So John has made no effort to transmit the song to us. And it's too bad, because it is good. But maybe after things have calmed down a bit some songwriter in the material world will pick up John's thoughts and write it here. It won't be the first time that's happened!
Father Abraham had us send a surface letter off to some people in the military hoping to get some things going for the 4th of July. We keep telling them how long it takes to do things in the material world, that we need weeks or sometimes even months, to get these things together! They just don't realize how difficult it is, and we can't do these things in a few days. But he wanted us to try so we sent the letter anyway.
As you can see, from our email address, there's been a change! With this great new computer Everybody in The Afterlife was begging us to get cable internet! We need it for the Work so much!
As God told Gerald that even if things went absolutely perfectly right now, it would still be three to four months before we could move our base of operations to another state, or anywhere, for that matter! The power levels are simply too low. We would be able to travel and stay several days in different places, but we would not be able to transfer our power bases until things are more stable. Jesus would have to be back on His feet and fully reenergized, before we could move His earthly residence. So Gerald went ahead and orded the internet. Now our phone lines will be free all day! People trying to get ahold of us for quick interviews might actually be able to get through! But things are going to be financially difficult here for some time. The extra thirty dollars a month is going to be hard to come by unless we find some more believers that start sending us weekly or monthly donations. God keeps encouraging them, but many of them, like us, have too many things on their plate, and can't spare much for anything else. But we're now high speed! It's so great to be able to check our audio and our video ourselves, to know that everything is working, and check the news any time we need to.
Speaking of Jesus, still nothing new to report. If anything, Those watching say that He and Mary Magdalene were even quieter yesterday than they have been. Everybody is still hoping for some major news break, some report in the media of what is giong on to kick in even more energy and wake them up! The flow from the Los Angeles ads and, from Ellsworth are great! But they're not quite enough. As We say, what is fortunate is the creatures of Darkness are worse off than We are! They devastated their transmission system in the last battle, and they, too, are having a hard time finding replacements. People are waking up and turning from their sickness. It's slow, but it is happening! Everybody keeps praying that it will be fast enough! Someone commented to us "God must be upset about what is happening with The Palestinians." Well, the truth be known, God is delighted with it! With Hamas taking over in Gaza it is only a matter of time before the world is going to have to deal with them. They will continue to kill Israelis. They will continue to teach hate, and finally the world will stop them. Now, is the perfect time to bring forth Father Abraham's Peace Proposal, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel on land in The Sainai purchased from The Egyptians. It is the only plan that will ever bring true peace! Only when The Palestinians have something to lose will they be really interested in making peace. If they have a homeland that will be taken away from them, if the terrorism doesn't stop they will have a reason to stop the terrorism. It is only common sense. They cannot have any part of Israel, especially Jerusalem! But they can have a place of their own!
Today's "Here's Jesus!" features two episodes from 2,002, "When is Judgment Day?" and "Can Herb Reubin get into The Kingdom Of God?" Great stuff as always!



The Bible

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

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