June 23, 2,007
Questionable Email

Boy! You talk about frustration! The high speed internet may be absolutely useless to us. Most everybody didn't get yesterday's email. We're trying to find out exactly what is going on. But several people think that because we used a phrase common to spam the company's computer blocked the email. If this is the case, this service is going to be totally useless to us! If we have to worry about the wording of every single email that we might put something in it that a computer would think is spam and not send it out, the email service will be useless to us! We're trying to find out what's going on, but this really has a lot of people upset who are waiting for our emails each morning. We'll simply have to get back to you later and let you know what's going on. Hopefully you'll receive this email!
Everything's still very quiet, which is almost more frightening than if the demons are active! There is little doubt they are building their power for an offensive somewhere. But there is also no doubt that they are hurting. Starving demons have now been found in Canada and Mexico. But they will be back. It's only a matter of time!
Got a remark that we have to answer. "Have you read the news reports of what is happening with the Saudi religious police? How can you support a people doing something like this?" Well they might be called religious police by other people, but every country has special police units commonly called vice squads involved in basically the same activity. And there is not a police department in the world that does not have a few officers that go beyond the limits of their authority. We are very glad to see the Saudi press and, the public speaking out against these peoples' abuse of power! And, that conditions are now such that they can! This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing that these corrupt police officers can now be challenged and the system questioned. Sometimes it is necessary to have people enforcing moral values. Perhaps in The United States they are not enforced enough. Saudi Arabia is a country that has limits, that says some things are proper and some unacceptable. It is not a country where anything goes, where a drunk on the street can accost a woman and humiliate her, and get away with it because nobody cares and says "Oh, he's just being a guy doing what guys do! You can't punish him for that." In Saudi Arabia a man would be punished for that, and it is a good possibility they have the right idea!
In Friday's "Here's Jesus! we feature an entirely new episode temporarily featuring God. In it He answers the questions "If You're a jealous God, how do You reconcile some of your people living in The Spiritist Republic and some in The Kingdom Of God?" and, "Does Satan ever visit You in The Holiest Of All?" You won't wanna miss this one!


We've got our printer hooked up to the new computer, though we had a great deal of trouble doing so. But it appears to be working. We'll be doing a test run tonight to make sure. But we can't get the scanner function to work. Can't find the controls in the computer. This thing has so much capability but it's little things that are frustrating to you! That it's so complicated to put a system into it and to get your equipment working. Probably somebody that really knew the system could get the stuff in it in a couple of minutes and have everything up and running in a snap, but we don't. We're not saying the systems aren't good, they're excellent! It's just it's so hard for ordinary people to use them. And there's a lot of stuff in the computer that's very beneficial but we'll never get to use because we don't know how to get to it or, how it works. We're sure other people buying these systems have the same problem.
That's about it for today! We're looking forward to a quiet weekend, though Everybody is on aleart and ready for anything. We're pretty much convinced that nothing's going to happen. The creatures of Darkness are simply too dispersed to get anything going quickly. And we would have plenty of warning if they start to mass, which we don't think they're going to. The Kingdom Of God is continuing to regenerate. We just need some little thing to really get things rolling. God is working contacting everyone He can. The Angelic Messengers are going out with every one of our emails, and are working with people that have received them and are interested daily. Sooner or later one of them is going to say "I believe and I'm going to help no matter what others think, I want to be part of this! I want to be known as one of those who helped save mankind. Sooner or later it's going to come! And as these things usually happen, it will probably be several people at once. Because once one person comes forward, several usually follow. Some people say we're dreaming, we have no idea of reality, but read The Bible! It's happened before. Remember this carpenter who started walking around Galilee and preaching? First two people joined Him, and then in a very short time there were thousands! It happens! People laugh, but it happens!


The Bible

Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and [there was] not a man to till the ground.
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

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