V21 N7 P3
June 2, 2,007
Concert A Flop

The latest magazine is up and runnin'! Is it ever runnin'! This baby is so full of stuff we don't even know where to begin to describe it! We ended it with a song that is going around The Afterlife and raising Everybody's spirits. It is really explained in the magazine and we don't want to do it here again. So you can check it out there. But it's strange how things go, sometimes! Something you did years ago and had virtually forgotten about comes back to be very important at a later time. Here's the link to the magazine. We have filled a lot in with some of the stuff from the forum where we'd been posting. It still bothers Everybody that we can't post anywhere without being driven off the forum by a bunch of lunatics that won't let anybody else express an opinion they don't like. You can really see the way these people are when you read some of the comments they made. There is also little tidbits about the battle that we didn't get to mention in the emails, some really cute stuff! When you have time you want to check it out.


Here is the link to the demo Linda did of the song. It's called "200 'Gainst 3,000".


George Harrison's "The Champion Of God" which describes one of John Lennon's first spiritual battles to protect Jesus in Washington, D.C. February, 2,003 is back online. The original audio we had on line has been lost so Linda recorded a new version the day she did John's song.


If anyone would like to read the lyrics you can find them here.


Friday's "Here's Jesus!" is an entirely new episode in which He answers the questions "Why would Noah punish his grandson Canaan for what his father did?" and "Does this verse condone slavery?" Really profound stuff, as always!


Unfortunately Kurt Cobain And The Wonders' concert with Beatles & Friends was a failure. They couldn't make a connection with the material world to draw any energy.
What we were predicting in Iraq is coming true. The Sunnis are rising up against those among them whose souls are already shattered and who are the walking dead. If only we could get Muhammed's messages to them now! He still offers them a home in the stars, a world of their own if they would just cooperate with the government and help make a peaceful Iraq, a decent Iraq, free of petty dictators!
Father Abraham is again offering substantial rewards for those who will join us. He says he will give deeds of land for New Israel to any of the Hebrew faith who will recognize us as servants of God and follow our directions in doing God's will, deeds entitling the bearer to ten acres of fertile land on the new world which shall be called Kimmel's Planet after the one who was fundamental in saving God's people on Earth, and hopefully, all of mankind. There are so many rewards that Those in The Afterlife promise to those that will stand with the truth, even if it is unpopular. It's too bad so many people would rather die in agony from starvation than do what is right. It's a strange, strange world!
We would like to send Our best wishes to Jenna Bush on her book project. It sounds like something that is really needed! And speaking out to teenagers and telling them to be cautious about sex is a very important mission. We just wish her parents would take the mission that God has given them!
We've been asked what Queen Diana thinks of a British network showing pictures of her in the car crash that killed her. Her comment is very simple; "Hang the bastards!" Guess it couldn't be any plainer than that!
Those in The Afterlife are shocked that someone with TB would travel on a plane exposing everyone on it to this disease that is growing more dangerous all the time! When such people travel they should be required to wear a breathing system that would keep any contamination away from other travelers on a plane, or a bus, or anything! The spread of this disease, especially the uncurable type, must be stopped! It shows how little humans care about each other when someone does something like this.

Sadly Special

We keep saying over and over again that nothing like this has ever been seen before. There were spiritual battles coinciding with every war in history. They usually occured while the earthly battles were taking place. Both sides tried to tie each other up so that neither could help their living counterparts. But nothing like the battles that we're seeing around Ellsworth and Los Angeles can ever be remembered! Even our Ancient Teachings, the vast History of Our three worlds, and the ten Dead Worlds have left no records of conflicts such as these! To the contrary! Records left on some of The Dead Worlds told how The Bearers Of Light and the creatures of Darkness began to work together to try to save their worlds. There was no record in any of them of any creatures of Darkness deciding that "If I can't have this world, I'll destroy it, I'll take everybody with me!" Maybe a handful in some places, but nothing like what we're seeing on earth! To check on any possibility Gerald asked our extra terrestrial friends if they had any records in their histories of anything like this. All of them answered "No!" What's happening on earth is special. It's deadly special!

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