July 15, 2,007
A Victory, Nonetheless

Friday as the spiritual battles around Los Angeles were dying down the demons were screaming that they were victorious, that despite everything God had they could stop His efforts. God laughed at them. "You have done exactly what We wanted you to!" He answered. "You have come out and fought Us, you have weakened yourselves, while We have become stronger! As in any war the enemy can sometimes win a few skirmishes, but in the end they are destroyed. In the end you will be destroyed!" The demons jeered but when they came back at true midnight on Saturday the strange power that has been assisting Us was back even stronger than it was before, and the fighting could only be called a route! The creatures of Darkness took a horrible pounding. They withdrew cursing The Forces Of God and swearing they would be victorious. But it is obvious they are continuing to have trouble regenerating. God got them to fight before they were ready and it has drained them. The Kingdom Of God is seeing increased success in Its efforts around the world. Creatures of Darkness boast of their superiority but that superiority is very localized. It's taking everything they've got to stop The Kingdom Of God's Forces in two places, in two small areas on Earth. God considers His efforts with us so far highly successful! Tiny setbacks are meaningless. The overall effect We are having is what matters.
It is believed that the only way that those that are mysteriously helping Us in Los Angeles and Ellsworth, Maine, could've come back so strong so fast that it has to be an entirely new group of people. Judging from the rate that they were recharging before it could not possibly be the same individuals. Sometimes being so frustrated by not knowing exactly what is going on when you have so much ability can be maddening! But wherever this help is coming from We'll take it!
There has been some discussion that this strange die off of life might not be a problem of Earth, alone. It might be a condition that is spreading throughout the entire galaxy, that the loss of the human race might contribute to the loss of all life in the galaxy, a disturbing thought!
God wanted us to remind people again that if He could accomplish only one thing while He was with us He would want it to be that He was able to reach Yoko Ono and have her accept John Lennon's Apostleship, to acknowledge to the world that she believes all that we are saying is true, and that John has become an Apostle of Jesus and has saved the world. If He could accomplish this one thing for one of His servants while He is with us it would give God the greatest joy! To accomplish this one miracle to possibly save one soul, and stop the pain of someone that is very dear to Him would mean more to God than anything else while we have this time together. Anything else would be a mere footnote. No matter how much else we accomplished if God could do this one thing He would consider the effort totally successful. To relieve the suffering of one of His children is the greatest joy that God has. And to relieve the suffering of one who has done so much for Him brings even greater joy. To give John the one thing he wants most would please God beyond anyone's understanding! So any help that anyone can give us in this matter would be gratefully appreciated. Anything else is just a sideline, just an extra task. This is God's main goal, and no one can imagine the reward that would be given to the person that helps Him succeed! They would become one of the most powerful people in The Kingdom Of God! That is unquestioned! The person that can reach Yoko Ono with God's message and have her say "Yes! This is John!" will have a glorious Place in Heaven!
In Saturday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature an episode from December, 2,002 in which He answers the questions "What kind of effect can Your Angelic Forces have in battle?" and "Do You believe in divorce, that a woman can remarry another man?" As usual fascinating stuff!


God is really having fun doing the "Here's Jesus!" episodes! He's like a little kid with a new toy! Gerald thinks getting out of The Holiest Of All for a little while is doing Him a world of good. God The Mother has also been busy throughout the world. We've unleashed an horrendous power! We hope it doesn't get out of control! We don't think it will. Gerald believes it is God's actual presence that has brought the extra terrestrial help, that only God, Himself, could call such power. It is still incredible phenomena! But Those in The Afterlife are getting a little bit jealous that God is spending so much time with the living. Many people that have wanted to have communion with God in The Holiest Of All haven't been able to because He's spending so much time with the living. However they understand the necessity. Still, they would like to see God back in His true Place as soon as possible. They worry that The Holiest Of All might become unstable without God's continuous presence There. There is no sign of any such phenomena. The Holiest Of All has never been so stable since it took up a permanent position ovr Ellsworth, Maine! And the other portals around the world have become even more energized as tunnels have connected them to the nearest energy sources, draining off their energy so that The Holiest Of All won't be drawn towards them. We say it over and over again, phenomena like this has never been seen before! We wish We had someone that could plot the positions of the rest of the portals, but it's really not necessary. Some day The Holiest Of All will move from Ellsworth. It will return to Jerusalem when that city is again a place of peace, and not constant strife, when men stop fighting over it. But until it does We're perfectly happy with where it is.

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