V28 N8 P28

July 28, 2,007
Strange But True

Heard them talking on Kevin & Bean Thursday about The Weekly World News folding. It's about time! The Kingdom Of God has been after them for years! When we first started working we picked up a nice contact with the paper that actually helped us get in contact with some other people that were extremely beneficial to us. Though we never got anything in the paper this contact was extremely valuable. We sent them our daily email for some time. Then one morning we got a really obnoxious letter from the paper's editor. Basically he said we were sick, stupid crap and never to email his paper again! Of course that immediately put them on Heaven's Get 'Em List, so their fate was sealed. Our contact did give us a private email and we continued to be in contact for some time, then that one shut down. But when you attack God's workers you're in trouble, no matter how influential, no matter how important, no matter how powerful, eventually Heaven will get you! They have eternity! The Kingdom Of God considers this a substantial victory!
Speaking of KROQ Linda found a link to listen to the station on the Windows Media page by putting the name in search! Now everybody has easy access to it through there or the station's own web site!
In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature an entirely new episode in which God answers the questions "Why do we get so much energy with the slightest mention of us on KROQ in Los Angeles?" and "Why would You have to be invited to Los Angeles to be fully effective?" Highly recommended!


Speaking of The Weekly World News, when Kevin & Bean started talking about them everybody came out of the woodwork! The real Clinton aliens, The Ashtarians, (one of them could be sitting beside you on a bus and you'd never know the difference!) have come forward and said one of their commanders Jonet, who is assigned to the permanent party that stays with the blockade force protecting Earth, wanted to establish a dialogue with the guys too in the hopes of reaching some of his people still on Earth and telling them to shut down their operations and come home. We know it sounds crazy, but it's all part of the crisis we are now in. The Ashtarians really messed up The Awakening and their interference could very well destroy mankind! And they would like to help undo the damage. You never know who's going to get in contact with us! Though the extra terrestrials have a strict noninterference doctrine, where The Ashtarians have already messed things up they feel they should be permitted to try to straighten things out. To win such a concession from them as that shows a lot of influence! God's got the power. There are people that listen to Him, maybe not on Earth, but there are people that listen to Him.
What is really ironic is a lot of the stuff that The Weekly World News was reporting was basically true, but when it came to being given the absolute truth they rejected it. It is a strange, strange world, and getting stranger every day! The story of The Ashtarian incident is in our online book, "The Truth Is Here." It is hard to believe that we are still bothered by those problems today! That situation has never been totally resolved. But check out "The Truth Is Here". It will tell you alot. http://www.voicesfromspirit.com/truth/Forward.htm
Jesus and Mary Magdalene continue to wake up for an hour or so each day, but They are more and more coherent all the time! The doctors in The Afterlife say They now seem to be progressing at a much more normal state.
The demonistic activity around Los Angeles continues to be nonexistent except for the accursed wailing that is driving everyone in the spiritual Forces on duty there just about crazy! It is almost unbearable! They've tried to go out and break the demons up but the demons just run off, and as soon as They leave, come back and continue their horrid cries. Those defending Los Angeles would much prefer that they fight.
That's about it for this morning! We've been asked what it is we need. That is simple. For a lot of people to say that we are real, that we're not a joke, that we are really messengers of God, that God can have a little fun sometimes, but our messages are true. As strange as it sounds, as weird as some of them seem to be, every one is true. That's what we need! We need thousands of people saying that publically. Those that believe have to come out of the closet, so to speak, and announce their belief.so the whole world will believe. We have sent message after message and they have been recognized. But the people receiving them won't acknowledge them because they don't want people to think they're crazy. They would rather betray God and destroy mankind, rather than have their neighbors think they're religious fanatics. Their neighbors' disbelief is destroying them forever, them, their children, and, their grandchildren...all of mankind! How horrible they're going to feel when they find out what they've done!

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