By: Gearld A. Polley

The Ancient One and his companions were having a lot more success than they'd had in a long time. Evil everywhere was feeling their sting! They were quite sure police departments were getting tired of filling out strange reports of drug dealers somehow falling in their bathtubs and drowning, of child molesters found hung up in the wire of fences and strangled. But they didn't really care. As they were returning home one evening The Ancient One halted. A strange howling could be heard. "What's that?" his male companion asked.
Before The Ancient One could answer his female companion did. "It's the howl of the great counsel of canines," she explained, "that we can hear it means we're being summoned!"
The Ancient One soared off, and his companions took up pursuit. In the center of a great city was a huge sporting arena. The Ancient One landed in the middle of it and his companions followed. All about them were thousands of dogs, big ones little ones, every possible breed. Nine of them stood before The Ancient One, a great pit bull at their center. "The Father Of Thumbs is here!" the pit bull cried. "He will hear our complaints."
"Glory unto The Father Of Thumbs!" all the dogs answered.
"Let us pay homage also to The Mother Of Thumbs!" a female dog cried.
"Glory be to The Mother Of Thumbs!" all the dogs answered. "Let her also, exist forever!"
The big pit bull looked at The Ancient One's male companion. "We are also honored," he remarked, "that The Great Protector of The Mother And Father is among us!"
The Ax Man saluted and the great dog returned his attention to The Ancient One. "We have summoned you," he announced, "because of them that kill our brothers and sisters for sport. The thumbs make a mockery of punishing them. They make them give a little bit of the paper that they treasure, and spend a little time in a cage. And then they let them go again, to harm more of our brothers and sisters. Father Of Thumbs, we ask you, according to the agreement that we have with you from the days of old, that you punish the ones that do these things to us forever, that you take away their forever, that you destroy them as they have destroyed us! We ask for justice, for we know you will give it to us, for you have long been our friend and have protected us. Will you give us your promise, Father Of Thumbs, that these ones will not escape true justice, that they will be destroyed forever?"
The Ancient One bowed. "According to that agreement that is between us," he answered, "which has existed from the beginning of our time, I do swear to the best of my ability, I will see to it that those who do these things are destroyed forever, that you must understand if they truly repent, if they truly denounce what they did, and strive to keep others from doing it, I cannot take their eternal lives. But I guarantee you, they will suffer greatly for that that they have done!"
"If they truly understand their wrong," the pit bull answered, "then surely we will forgive them. But we do not think they will. They only express sorrow because they have been caught dong wrong. There is no true sadness in them. We thank you Father Of Thumbs! Your word gives us assurance that justice will be done! Now, there is another matter. I ask you to make mankind destroy this abomination that I live in. I ask you to have them separate our males and females, take the males' desire, so there will be no more of us. We are a wrong, we are a great wrong. We have been made to kill. Even here in this Great Counsel I have to fight the desire to attack and rip my friends apart! My brother destroyed the pups of his thumbs. When the desire came over him, in his frustration he tore them apart! We should not be, and others among us who are no longer normal creatures, but abominations that thumbs have made, wish that you also, forbid them so that they will not be made to dwell in twisted and grotesque bodies that amuse the thumbs but are virtually useless. Will you give us your word, Father Of Thumbs, that you will do these things?"
"I understand what you are saying," The Ancient One answered, "and I give here, all my word that when my people rise we will do all in our power to eliminate those breeds that humans have malformed or made too aggressive. This, too, has been in Our hearts, but now that you have formerly asked me, we will do all in Our power to fulfill your wishes so that all of your kind will again be born sound, strong, and wise. That you have asked gives us joy!"
"Good!" the pit bull answered. "Then we will depart knowing that what we ask will be done! But I will remain for a time." All the dogs turned and quickly departed, emptying the stadium. When the last was out of sight the pit bull looked to The Ancient One with sadness in his eyes.
"I ask your forgiveness for requesting this," he began, "but I know your power and your strength. I ask that you kill me before I kill. It is only a matter of time. My owner is not too bright. She does not understand my strength and my desires. She tries to keep me from another that is nearby, and each time she drags me away it is harder and harder for me not to kill her. Please! Kill me before I do." The pit bull turned and looked away. Without the slightest hesitation The Ancient One stepped forward, brought up his hand and with incredible force drove it against the back of the pit bull's neck. There was a loud cracking sound and the pit bull collapsed to the ground. Its spirit rose from its body, saluted The Ancient One, and departed. The Ancient One and his companions departed.


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