August 10, 2,007
God's Bands Vs Demons' Bands!

Linda had a great interview with Greg & The Morning Buzz, WGIR FM, Rock 101, New Hampshire, Wednesday. They used to call quite a bit and were among our first contacts. Then we lost track of them and they thought Linda was dead! But they sent Linda an email to see if she would write back and we got back in contact. Linda got to sing all of "The Angel Shot My Daddy!" and Gerald got to make a few comments, and the power just flowed right into The Kingdom Of God, just like the old days! As we have said every contact is vital! We needed more power and The Kingdom Of God brought it through, brought back old friends. Here's the link to their main page for those who might like to check them out some morning. They have some clips and if they put ours up we'll let you know.
Oh! The dark ones didn't like it that we got back in contact! There was a thunderstorm during the interview, and it really began to pour just as we were concluding. We love to make the dark ones unhappy!
Working on the "Here's Jesus!" episodes we came across one where Jesus explains that there's t.v. shows in The Afterlife with people portraying us, people that look just like us. As we were finishing it God said "Well, you know "The Tales Of The Ancient One" now has two new actors that look like Kevin & Bean! They play talk show hosts that The Ancient One is associated with who are, in reality, spiritual warriors who defend their city against the creatures of Darkness, and who often call The Ancient One and his companions to their aide." Leave it to the writers in The Afterlife to mix reality right in with fiction! The show's fans in The Afterlife are eating it up! It's brought the show back to third in overall ratings! It was down to about sixteen.
Clyde W. Tombaugh was the only person in the 20th century to discover a planet, Pluto. He was also the only American to do so. He died January 17, 1997, but there's a petition being posted for people to sign on the internet to encourage the US Postal Service to put out a commerative postage stamp for him. We encourage everyone to sign it!

You never know what we're going to be asked! People want to know what Anna Nicole Smith thinks of them wanting to show the video of her breast operation. She says, and we quote "Oh, come on! Let them show it! Maybe if some of these other poor girls out there are thinking of doing this stuff and they see what they do to you, it will scare them out of it!"
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" segment one is an important question from December, 2,002, "Is there any hope that Your mother will ever return to Earth?" and a follow up on that situation answered by God "What happened to the woman in Europe whose prayer brought Mary back to Earth January 1, 2,004?" Be sure to check this one out!

The spiritual battles around Los Angeles have taken a weird new twist! Though We thought it couldn't become any stranger, it has! It has become a battle of the bands. Those in the area noticed the demons' endless howling had taken on a rhymic quality, then they began to hear music. At each of the passages leading into Los Angeles through the spiritual barriers a demonistic rock group has appeared, singing hate, anti religious songs, and anti war songs. The odd thing is, many of the people performing with these bands are well known living entertainers who must be astral projecting to take part in these eerie performances! The Kingdom Of God immediately countered and brought Their own bands from The Afterlife, the main ones being Beatles & Friends, Kurt Cobain And The Wonders and some old friends of ours, Bach, Beethoven And Brahams Plus One! The demonistic bands will do a number, and then Heaven's bands will counter with a number. This has been going on for hour after hour, since dusk Wednesday night! The creatures of Darkness are trying to use The Kingdom Of God's greatest weapon, music! But they seem to be losing the battle. Heaven's bands are just far superior. They have much greater talent than those who are filled with hate, lust, and greed! The only thing is, John Lennon should not do rap! He just should not do rap! The demons are using their other tactics elsewhere. They launched an assault on the barriers around Ellsworth, Maine. It was no minor effort. For a few hours they threw everything they could muster at The Defenders. But they didn't even make a dent! They apparently do not like that we're getting some fresh notice in New England. If only God could reach Yoko Ono and have her accept John's Apostleship, acknowledge his message, tell the world what we're saying is true! One simple little act could change the course of history and assure the salvation of mankind. What terrible words "If only" are!


Rock Bands On The Old Worlds

Another question we often get about The Old Worlds is "Were there ever any bands like The Beatles on any of The Old Worlds?" Well, all The Old Worlds had musical groups. There was never, however, a group like The Beatles on Haven. It would simply never have happened! But Hades and Peepi had several famous musical groups that would've been quite comparable to The Beatles in the same historical periods. One is even mentioned in The Peoples' History! Rock and roll type music was very popular on both of these worlds, and often covered very similar subjects. Of course there were also classical orchestras very similar to Earth's symphonies. Both Hades and Peepi had pianos! Strangely, this is an instrument that was never developed among the Havens.

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