August 15, 2,007
Astor Royally Welcomed!

Gerald just can't believe how God has gotten into doing the "Here's Jesus!" episodes! He's done eight this weekend, mostly without Linda. And what He said in one about the time that He is spending with us being some of the joyous that He's had in ages was really delightful! It amazes Gerald how these emensely powerful Beings around him become like little children, how they can relax and let go, and enjoy themselves! He guesses it is because we are in a state of complete trust. But to have such power around you! It's something that others could never understand. They would just not be able to conceive it!
Everybody's asking how Brooke Astor is making out. Well, she's taking The Kingdom Of God by storm! Thousands were waiting to greet her, and for several hours it was total mayhem, just absolute joy! Then she noticed one of her old friends was rather upset and asked her why, and her friend explained the current situation. "My goodness!" Mrs. Astor cried, "Something has got to be done about this! We certainly need to spread more manure! We most certainly need to spread more manure! These people need Edward. He would love this stuff! He would really get into it. He'd make them world famous in a few days and get God everything He wants. Can anyone get ahold of him?" All around her said they would most certainly try. We don't know who Edward is, but we would sure like to find him, and we pray the lady's right!
Mrs. Astor was also asked if she was upset at all about the things that had happened to her towards the end of her life and she said "Oh, no! Absolutely not! I don't worry about those things at all. I know God will take care of them, that it will all be dealt with. I never worry about things like that whatsoever! I leave it to God, because I know He has the power to deal with those things, and He will. Anybody that mistreated me will pay for it. So I don't worry about it at all." Mrs. Astor was asked if she was going to begin the grand tour. "Oh, no!" she said, "Not with all this going on! I'm getting right to work. I'm going to help all I can. There'll be time for social affairs later. Though I would like to have an audience with Jesus, just so I know I'm really here and I'm all right." As soon as Jesus was awake the dear lady was ushered in and she officially received His praises for a life well lived. Then the lady went right out and started trying to reach people in the material world! But Queen Victoria did insist that she come for tea, which Mrs. Astor could not refuse!
The Kingdom Of God is pleased to hear that Ron Goldman's family was given the rights to O.J. Simpson's book "If I Did It" and have found a New York publisher to publish it to help pay the damages Simpson owes them. Wish that publisher was interested in psychic phenomena!
In Tuesday's "Here's Jesus!" there are two insightful questions Jesus answers from Christmas Day, 2,002, "Was the star when You were born a UFO?" and "Were the animals really able to talk on the day of Your birth?" Always a favorite of the classic episodes! Be sure to check it out!

God has heard that the prince of Barhain is suing Michael Jackson because Michael didn't fulfill the promises he had made of recording a CD for him. God says to Michael "Now, you stop this foolishness right now! You hire a recording studio and record some of the songs that you have and send them to this dear man! I still desire to make you a great man, to have you do even greater things than you have done before. But you must keep your promises! When you tell somebody something you must do it. I would not be able to help you if you do not, because to me, the fulfilling of a contract, the fulfilling of an agreement, written or verbal, is the most sacred of all things. So stop fooling around, stop being stubborn, stop worrying and use the marvelous gifts that you have! If you need some songs Demetrius & Alura have hundreds of them and can get more. The only thing that they would insist upon is that you get the work done within a month. I am still with you, I will still support you, Michael, but you must fulfill your promises, you must stand by your word so all the world can say "This is an honorable, forthright man, who does everything that he promises, who takes advantage of no one's kindness." And that is how the world should know you."
The creatures of Darkness apparently don't like what is gonig on! They launched another attack in Ellsworth, Maine, at true midnight Tuesday morning. It was no minor effort! They were seriously trying to break through the barriers and disrupt the power that God is building there. John Lennon did not join the fighting. He was busy elsewhere. But the creatures of Darkness were still soundly defeated! The rest of The Kingdom Of God's Forces rallied and drove them off. The battle of the bands continues around Los Angeles, and so far The Kingdom Of God's efforts seem to be successful, as They have been successful other places. They continue to hunt down and destroy the creatures of Darkness' feeding stations. They have never had such success in many years! If we can keep the current flow of energy this success should continue, but We want more, much more!

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