V21 N9 P20

August 19, 2,007
Jay Thomas

It's kind of a tradition when we get a new contact for John Lennon to write a song for them. But John is still kind of out of it because of his injuries in the recent battle, and try as he may he just hasn't been able to get anything for Jay Thomas on Sirius Radio that flowed right. So Kurt Cobain said "Let me give it a try!" and came up with this number. John and Everybody in The Afterlife liked it. We hope Jay will too. These little tributes are important to the people in The Afterlife. They're a way of reaching out to those in the material world that are helping Them. And the more they get to write, the happier They are because that means the more friends They have.

By; Kurt Cobain
Channeled through Gerald A. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. Jay Thomas, Jay Thomas!
What will the future do?
How will you be remembered
for the things you do?
The power is coming!
It's coming now, to you.
Heaven is calling,
What will it be you'll do?

2. Jay Thomas, Jay Thomas!
The future's calling you.
Will you be called a prophet
for the things that you will do?
Will you hear the voice of Heaven
and know that it is true?
Will you take the power
that's offered now, to you?

3. Jay Thomas, Jay Thomas!
I can't believe what I can do!
The power that was given me
is wondrous, it is true!
I helped those in trouble,
it's a wondrous thing to do!
How will you use the power
that is given you?

4. Jay Thomas, Jay Thomas!
Heaven's calling you!
Many will not answer
what will it be you'll do?
Glory it is waiting
it's waiting there, for you!
History is waiting
what will it be you'll do?

What will it be you'll do?


Here's the audio demo Linda made of this song Friday. Her voice is still recovering from the larengitis but We think she did a great job! Hope everyone likes it!


Kurt Cobain is a bit embarrassed, however, about something that is happening. Apparently one of the visitors to our web site was the mother of a little girl who recently lost a loved one to drug addiction. They heard about Kurt helping people with those problems, and the little girl has started to call Kurt Saint Cobain, and to pray to him asking him to take care of those who have died of drug problems. Kurt is extremely embarrassed about this but it is sending him tremendous amounts of energy. We're not sure The Catholic Church would like the idea of St. Cobain! But a child's love is incredible! It is some of the greatest sources of The Kingdom Of God's power.
In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" segment 1 is a great segment from December, 2,002, featuring the question "Did the Angels really sing to the shepherds when You were born?" and segment 2 is a new question answered by God, "Did Joseph ever loan money to Romans, and did he ever have any trouble getting it back?" The great stuff continues!


God strongly condemns Fred Thompson, the former Tennessee senator, as a creature of Darkness. He has entered the presidential campaign and is falsely using two issues to try to get support. He is sentencing many of God's daughters to death by denying them a medical procedure that they need by opposing abortion, which he knows God accepts. But he will use it for a political issue to gain power. He knows the teachings of the anti abortion people are blasphemy, but to court their favor he will accept their cause. And he is calling for a Constitutional amendment so that states don't have to recognize gay marriages performed in other states. God forbids this half way compromise! He wants a Constitutional amendment that not only bans gay marriage but bans homosexuality in The United States completely, makes it illegal everywhere! He wants a man to be able to walk down the street without the fear of being accosted by a lunatic that says he desires him sexually, and not being able to do anything about it. God wants a law that clearly states if a man asks another man for sex he goes to prison for ten years, no ifs ands or buts! Homosexuality will be recognized as a sin and, a crime, and those who try to force it on others will be punished! Decent men have rights as well as the insane, and the rights of the decent must be upheld over those of the insane! Decency must return to The United States therefore God condemns this individual bitterly and forbids him from His Kingdom for using these false causes to become president.

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