August 24, 2,007
Liberace A Smash!

We constantly get the comment that our teachings are unBiblical because firstly, there should be no fighting in Heaven, Heaven is eternal bliss, and there's no discourse There at all. We only wish! Unfortunately people take their misguided beliefs with them when they die and Those that rule Heaven have to constantly fight to keep the desires of man from destroying It. We're also told that The Bible teaches that women are to be subserviant, obey their men, and not engage in war. Well, We challenge anyone to send us Bible verses that say a woman should not defend herself and, her children! This is the type of ignorance that We fight daily, the type of misguided beliefs that have gotten into the Christian belief system that are slowly destroying it. It is because people cling desperately to these false teachings that are causing Us so much trouble, and causing The Ruler Of Heaven so much trouble. We guarantee you, God's daughters are supposed to defend God's Kingdom just as much as His sons, and they do! Boy, do they!
We got Kurt Cobain's video "The Battle Is Raging" on Yahoo Video Wednesday. Here's the link.

In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" there's a question from December, 2,002, "Are most of Nostradamous' prophecies true?" and in segment 2 some comments from God on the Barry Bonds controversy which were played on the Kevin & Bean Show, KROQ, Los Angeles, recently. You won't want to miss this one!

John wanted us to make people understand again why he is doing what he is doing, so he has asked us to rerelease the "Care" video, which is the song he wrote when we first started working together to explain why he is doing what he's doing. Here's the link.

Liberace's first appearance in The Kingdom Of God with Beatles & Friends was a smash! It was a rare day performance there, so it was night here. Liberace said he didn't want us involved because he was terrified of us. So Linda started playing the songs we had gotten from The Afterlife for the warmup band about 7 o'clock our time. At about 8 o'clock Beatles & Friends and Liberace just came out on the stage and kept right on doing the numbers that we were playing until about 10 o'clock our time and the crowd was going crazy! They did just about everything that John has written since he started working with us and several songs that others did. Liberace knew them all! Obviously he was still quite aware of what had been going on, and the crowds just ate it up especially when him and John did "Remember The Springtime," John's love song for Yoko. It was just absolutely phenomenal! Jesus and Mary Magdalene stayed awake for the whole performance and sent Their congratulations afterwards. Boy! When somebody comes back to Heaven he comes back to Heaven!
Several people came directly to God and asked Him to send some messages to Jay Thomas on Sirius Satellite Radio because they believed their loved ones would hear them. God was going to record them, but for some reason the recorder wasn't working on the computer, though Gerald used it a little while afterwards and it worked fine! But anyways, here are the messages. From Jack to Alice. "The pudgy little bear rode happily down the hill." From John to Jeff; "That certainly was sharp! Yes, indeed, it was sharp!" From Frank to Alice; "You still shouldn't leave the door open. It's a bad habit." And the last one from Francine to Jay; "I will be waiting. Don't worry about anything. I did fine! I will be waiting." We'll send these on and hopefully Jay might get to use them. But God did His part by passing the messages on. Unfortunately Jay is not on the internet. We wish we had a satellite radio! But we just can't afford it. We understand you not only have to pay for the radio but the service, too, like satellite television. Maybe someday! God was saying how much We wish We could get a real studio and some good quality technicians and send out "Here's Jesus!" daily. A few people ought to hear it on that network! But We're afraid that's a dream that will be a while coming, yet. However, they have Howard Stern! You'd think they'd have Jesus!
Speaking of our favorite radio station, KROQ in Los Angeles is now available through ITunes! Just click on radio, then Alternative. Hope it helps more people to listen! Our two favorite Beatles stations are also on there.
We've been asked if we ever intend to get anything back up at You Tube again. We highly doubt it. We expect to hear at any time that You Tube is collapsing, that it's receiving so many lawsuits because people are putting up copyrighted material that they simply can't function. Or, people will be suing them for other things. The Kingdom Of God is still very, very mad at them, and that's something nobody wants!


On The Old Worlds It Was Free

We found out that satellite radio is only about $13.00 a month, not really that bad, we just don't have it! We can't really afford the high speed internet, but we need it! It's so hard to believe that there was really nothing like this on The Old Worlds! Everything came by cable, and it was all free, provided by the local communities. As we have said, totally different societies, much cheaper societies!

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