August 28, 2,007
Dreaming On

Both Gerald & Linda were dreaming Sunday morning. Gerald was dreaming that this lovely young lady came to us and declared that she was a bound servant. We took her in. She worked with us for about two months and then her father showed up, who, it turned out was a judge and he wanted her to come home. Her mother and her sisters wanted to see her. She told him "I can't, daddy! If I leave here I will die. I must undo what I have done! Please do not interfere!" Gerald spoke up and said "You've done incredible work in the last two months. We really appreciate it! I'm quite sure you could leave for a week or so as long as you're back within two weeks you would be fine. I want you to have contact with your family and to be in good relations with them." "Well, that surprises me!" her father put in. "But I would appreciate it!" The girl went off and had some trouble getting back and was pretty sick when she arrived, but quickly recovered. Her sister came with her and joined in the Work. Gerald told her that she had to call him Lord, which means Teacher, and not master because she wasn't a servant. "Why can't my sister call you Lord?" the girl asked. Before Gerald could answer her sister did, saying "Because I do not deserve to call him Lord. If I had listened to him or others like him before I was forced to, I would have that privilege. But now I am his servant, and in this life will always have to be. So I must call him master. Do not question it, do not be angry about it because it is how I will escape eternal death." "O.k.," her sister answered, "but I still don't like it!" Weird dreaming, huh? By the way, Gerald and the girl's father became good friends once he truly understood Gerald's powers. Here's Linda's dream.
In Linda's dream her and Gerald were visiting this huge stone mansion or castle, not sure which. There were a bunch of people there for some kind of meeting or event. Linda & Gerald were standing in a hallway behind the people when Linda noticed the man in front of her was changing into a werewolf! She told Gerald they had to get down in the cellar immediately which they did. Linda didn't explain why. They fell asleep on the stone floor for quite some time. Linda woke up and wondered if it was safe then heard noises of a struggle and a body falling to the floor. She went back to sleep. She woke up again and a little girl with a tray of stuff came through the cellar and told her that it must really be o.k. now, that people were waiting for her. She went out a side door and up some stairs. When Linda & Gerald finally dared to go back upstairs shortly after this, the place was fairly empty with just a few women hanging around. They were talking to a couple of them when they were attacked by a vampire in an outfit like Dracula's, a mummy and a werewolf! They successfully with the womens' help, fought them off. At the end of the dream they were sitting around talking and a couple of the monsters, including the mummy turned out to be their friend! Linda hardly ever remembers her dreams and this was some dream!
A bit of an explaination of the symbology of the dream, which is quite apparent. Why we went into the cellar and went to sleep was so that we could take on our astral forms and fight the creatures of Darkness in them. A little girl telling us it was safe to return shows how we are empowered by children, and that later the mummy proved to be our friend is symbolic of the relationship we have with the Pharos of Egypt, who of course are now mummys! Some very powerful symbology in Linda's dream! That it was women that helped us win the physical battle is also very important.
We are extremely glad that the bad weather in the midwest is avoiding all our friends! People all around them are having problems and it's like it jumps right over them! If you have any reports of near misses let us know.
Here's one of those cute little things. As we said, we've got business cards. We ordered 300 for Gerald and 200 for Linda. But Staples is generous! They gave both of us an extra 30 cards! So when Gerald hand numbered them to energize them and he got to the end there were extra cards! So he just kept numbering them. So Gerald's last card says 330/300, and Linda's says 230/200! Some of our friends got a kick out of it but said "Guess what? The ones that are overnumbered will be what's called an extreme novelty item and probably be far more valuable than the regular numbered ones! That's the way these things work!" Gerald just shook his head and said "O.k.!" But if anybody would like one of our business cards as a keepsake, send us a stamped, self addressed envelope and we'll autograph one and send it. Be sure to specify whose you want, Gerald or Linda's! A small donation to help with the Work would be appreciated but it's not necessary.
The next best possible time for God to visit Los Angeles would be the week of Labor Day, September 3 through the 7th. Probably Kevin & Bean would be on vacation at that time. But the power generated by the Labor Day holiday would be excellent for God to use. But God is pretty much reconcilled that this opportunity will pass. People like the fakes, they don't like the real thing. They're too scared of it.
In Monday's "Here's Jesus!" there is a question from January, 2,003, "Are the stories of most stigmatics true?" and a new one answered by God, "How did we know the murder of the young men in the schoolyard wasn't a random act of violence?" Another insightful episode!


Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm. ( John F. Kennedy )

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