August 6, 2,007
Union Nightmare

God wants to salute John Becknell, Manchester, Kentucky, known as Brother John, for his diligent efforts in monitoring the courts and seeing that those convicted of drug offenses get their just desserts. Some people are saying that this is unBiblical. God says "Contraire! The Bible teaches in many places that justice must be done. These people whose addiction is destroying everyone around them, must be gotten off the streets so they do not infect others with their desires. The slogan of Rev. Doug Abner of The Community Church, "Get saved or get busted!" is very appropriate! Churches should not harbor drug addicts! They should provide counselling but they should not protect them from the authorities. If they are aware of drug activity they should report it. Churches should help the sinner, they should not encourage the sin. And protecting drug addicts who are still engaged in this activity is destroying innocent children. These communities that are rising up and saying "Enough!" are absolutely right and are doing the will of God. The Rev. John Rausch of the Catholic Committee on Appalachia is absolutely wrong in his attitude that churches fighting drug addiction are against the gospel. They support the gospel. By no means should outreach programs to prisoners stop! As much visitation to prisons as can be arranged should continue. Every prisoner should be given an opportunity to repent and make a better life. But reality must be faced. And those prisoners that use the kindness of others to get back out on the street and return to their old habits must be dealt with properly. Permitting an evil, ignoring it, and just counseling those taking part in it is not the way of God. God's people oppose evil. When they see people in government not doing their job, not fulfilling their duty, they have every right to come forth and insist that they do. God's innocent children must be protected from those that in their weakness, would destroy them! And God salutes those that are protecting His children."
Kingdom Of God overjoyed that the American forces destroyed another Al Quaida leader in Iraq. They wish so much that The United States could deal with those Al Quaida leaders hiding in Pakistan. They understand the frustration of the American governmet when they know where these people are, but they can't go in and get them because they don't want to start a civil war in Pakistan. But God feels that sooner or later they're going to have to. As long as these creatures of Darkness have a safe haven where they can operate from they are going to continue to be a danger. The Kingdom Of God sincerely hopes that what causes the world to finally take action and go in and get them will not be another 9/11 type incident. The people of Pakistan must be made to understand that the leaders in these northern territories are criminals, they are not leading tribes, they are leading gangs of thugs that will do anything for money. These people are not extending Islamic hospitality, they are profiting from protecting these Al Quaida leaders. That is their true purpose for shielding them, and this should stop!
Gerald had one of those knock down realistic nightmares Saturday morning that he wishes he would not have; probably a side effect of the sinusitis he has been suffering. But in the dream we got to Hollywood and were beginning to make some money when union dues started being taken out of our pay. Gerald said he did not want this done, he didn't belong to the union, and the union said "Well, if you won't join the union you still have to pay the dues. That's the law in this state! We have a good union and you should respect it." Gerald told them "Well, if the idiot courts in this state have made it so you can legally steal from me there's nothing I can do about it! But stay out of my face! I have no use for thieves! I don't respect anybody that makes somebody else pay for his right to work! You're garbage!" The union leaders became outraged. "Why do these right to work people come into our state," they complained, "and try to destroy our unions?" Gerald came right back and said "We will fight for the right of people to have unions with the last drop of our blood! But we will always oppose forced unionism! And unions stealing from people that do not want to be part of their unions!" Then the unions decided that Gerald was making very bad deals, that he was giving away too much stuff and they were losing money because he was getting paid only a fraction of what the stuff was worth. This blonde bitch, a real piece of garbage, started coming to our meetings and interfering, insisting that we be paid more for stuff we were doing. One time Gerald literally grabbed her by the hair and hauled her out of the meeting, throwing her out in the hall, and he was charged with criminal assault! "Why do you treat someone like this that's trying to help you?" the judge asked. "Keep the bitch out of my business!" Gerald answered. "What we negotiate is none of her business!" "She's trying to see that you're treated fairly," the judge answered, "and I want her to attend the meetings, and I want you to listen to her advice!" "You can go to hell!" Gerald told him. And we started taking our negotiations out of state where the union couldn't interfere. They still continued to try to file court injunctions making people pay more for the stuff, and Gerald kept telling the judge to go f himself. Him and this judge did not get along! Anyway it was a nightmare of a dream! Please somebody tell us that unions can't take money out of people's earnings in California even if they don't belong to the union!
It may be a week late but the new issue of Voices is now online! As usual, it features our daily emails with news from The Afterlife and several brand new articles you're sure to enjoy. Here's the link.

In Sunday's "Here's Jesus!" we feture two insightful questions from 2,002, "Who built Stonehenge?" and, "What is wrong with getting a little drunk?" You gotta love the classics!

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