December 13, 2,007
Still A Democrat

We've been asked "What does The Kingdom Of God think of them making a museum about the mob in Las Vegas?" It has pros and cons. The truth should always be told of how long this organization corrupted Las Vegas and operated an empire of evil there. But The Kingdom Of God is very much against praising evil. So They really do not think a museum is a good idea. It just doesn't set right with them. No matter how tastefully it was done it would still praise these people of evil. They would really prefer this idea be set aside unless it could be done without using the names of those creatures of Darkness that were involved.
Tuesday Gerald got 129 emails to The Anglicans, including Africa and the Canadian province of Alberta. Linda emailed to 40 Native American villages and councils in Alaska, and adressed 23 more envelopes to them.
In Wednesday's "Here's Jesus!" is a question from July, 2,003, "How are Those in The Afterlife dealing with no communication with us because of the energy shortage?" and a new one in segment 2, "Was The Kingdom Of God's Thanksgiving spoiled by the Michigan governor's ruling that transgender and transvestite state employees can wear clothes of the opposite sex to work?" Whoa! Yet another one not to be missed!

Well, here's one of those irritating litle things! Linda updated our Acrobat reader Tuesday night and the monitor on our new computer died! It won't work now on the new computer! We took it off and put the monitor from our old computer on, and it works! But we can't center the image. Linda thinks she can figure it out. The dark ones are doing all in their power to keep us from working, but we have back up and can figure out how to do things! We don't have a nice flat screen monitor on the new computer any more, but it's still working! This Vista system is just junk, it is just absolutely junk! You do the slightest thing and that works fine then something else messes up. Microsoft really needs to junk this system and return to one of the older ones. We're not the only ones complaining! We hear the same complaints from anybody that's got it.
The creatures of Darkness have gone to ground again. They're desperately trying to stir up trouble in Iraq and Lebanon, trying to make serious fighting there. But so far The Kingdom Of God is managing to keep it in control, though it is a continuous battle. If we can just keep the power coming we should be able to keep these situations from becoming too serious. Little concerned about the Christmas season with all of our friends on vacation, and Jimmy Kimmel shut down. Mary Magdalene would like one of the t.v. stations to start doing a reality show "Campaigning With The Underdog; God's Candidate". She says they've got all these stupid reality shows, why not a sensible one? Follow God's candidate as he struggles to save mankind." Quite an idea! And Elgard suggested Donald Trump do a reality show called "The Candidate" instead of "The Apprentice." That would be good because Gerald wants Trump for his secretary of the treasury. He wants to see those one dollar bills with Donald Trump's name on them! That would be cool!
We've been asked "If Obama beats out Hillary why can't we drop out of the campaign and just let nature take it's course, let the people of America decide who they want for President and keep God out of it?" Well, unfortunately though Obama is considerably better than Hillary he's still a Democrat and would be pushing the "Let's pervert them and let's betray them!" Democratic philosophy, which The Kingdom Of God cannot tolerate. As we have said, there is no viable Republican candidate. None of them can win! No matter how much money is thrown at the election, no matter how much The Republicans spend, they don't have a candidate that can win. Gerald is the only hope! That is why he needs to get into the system as soon as possible. Obama is better, Gerald would much rather campaign against him, he wouldn't have to get so nasty! But he's still a Democrat! And The Democrats can't win! They mustn't win!
And you can see why The Democrats need to go! Hillary still wants to rob from the dead, to steal from widows and orphans. No honor, no dignity, anything for power! Do we really want this thing in The White House?


Political Parties On The Old Worlds

We've been asked "Did They have political parties on The Old Worlds?" People are shocked constantly when we tell them that all officials on Haven were appointed by The Lord God, or, by people He appointed, that there were no elections of any kind, whatsoever. There were political parties, of sorts. There was one group called The Purists, that wanted to kill off all The Hashons and mixed bloods, and have a pure race again. They weren't very popular! The Hashons and The Peepians both had political parties much like on Earth. Hades was constantly plagued by so called reformists parties that wanted to change the laws, and make things more liberal. It was a constant battle to keep them in control so they would not destroy the society. They were often connected with a criminal gang called The Hoods, which were much like the Earth's mafia, and wanted the laws softened so they could carry on their illegal functions easier. Unfortunately evil copies itself over and over again. The political systems on Earth and their corruption is nothing new. The good must constantly battle against those that will corrupt society for their own purposes. Sad to say, on some of The Old Worlds things were much like Earth.

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