September 21, 2,008

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To President George W. Bush

Most Profound Greetings!

I'm afraid I have to give you a difficult mission today, ask you to do something you might find difficult to do, but is absolutely necessary in Our cause. I desire that you test all the evangelists that are in contact with you, and all religious leaders that you follow. I ask you to have each one review Demetrius' web site, his Presidential campaign, and to ask them if he is or is not of God. Have them especially read every letter from God to your wife and every letter from me to your wife. Ask them to make no decision until they have read everything, then to give you their opinion. I will tell you now, any of them that say Demetrius and Alura are not of God are fakes. They are creatures of Darkness pretending to do God's work. They have none of God's power. And you should cast them out immediately and have nothing more to do with them unless they agree to forsake those practices that they are following and folllow the principles of God that Demetrius gives. This will be difficult. It is sometimes difficult to challenge friends even when you feel that what they are doing is wrong. But those that oppose God in any way are doing wrong. And those that will not back Demetrius oppose God. There is no question of it, there is no doubt of it. Some people can be confused, they can misunderstand some things, but when they are touched by God's servant and he points out their errors those who truly serve God will recognize him, turn from those errors, and support him. They may still hold these beliefs in their heart and wish that God could support them, but they will know that God does not, and no matter how much it hurts them do God's will.

Each and every person around you needs to be tested, each that advises you, each that supports you. They need to be shown Demetrius' web site and asked rather or not they will support him. If they say "No, he is not of God, I cannot support this!" then no matter how trusted, no matter how faithful they are to you they must be put aside, because they will not do the will of God. As I have told your wife, these are the times of simplicity. Things must become uncomplicated. People must understand there is no middle ground, there is no compromise. Those who are against Us are against Us. Those who will not support Us must be put away. Those who say "I don't believe in this, it's not what I want, I won't support it!" must be put aside. Those who will say "Well, I don't like this, I would prefer that God support my issue, but if He will not I will have to support God as much as it hurts me. For I will not betray my spiritual Father. I will do His will even if I prefer something else." The people that will say and do this may be kept, but those who refuse to do God's will because of the falsity in their hearts, because of the false teachings of the creatures of Darkness must be put aside, must be told "I"m sorry, but if you will not serve God you cannot be a part of me." We have no choice. It used to be that We could give a little ground, let people speak out on some things, because it was so small that it didn't matter. They were doing so little harm it could easily be rectified and the only ones injured would be themselves, which, in time, could be mended. But those times have passed. We are fighting for the very existence of Our children, and no ground can be given. The homosexuals have gained too much power, their sickness has spread too much. It threatens the very existence of the world. The anti abortionists have done the same. Their false teachings threaten to destroy all. Their denial of God's glory and the torture of His daughters has become unacceptable. they are generating the power that is directly attacking me. The sodomists are using this issue to keep control of their false churches so their priests can continue to molest children because they will not give up celibacy and take on a normal male/female relationship that God insists upon. Therefore, all must be tested, and the rotten fruit must be set aside so it will not contaminate the good fruit that is the harvest of God. So you must be the sorter, you must be the one that will gather the good fruit, and lead them to God's victory.

God has given you the wind to separate the grain from the chaff, to winnow the wheat, to gather the good grain that will be the seeds of a bountiful harvest. So therefore, I give you the charge and the power to do this, in the name of God The Father. You must test each and you must speak out against those who fail the test. You must tell the world they are not of God, because they have shut God out of their hearts, and believe in the falsity of the dark creatures that whisper in their ears. I instruct you to go forth and do your duty.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


Why Do We Divide People?

We are constantly asked "Why do you have to divide people? Why can't you get along with them?" Well, the simple matter is there are some things that just can't be accepted. Those that commit human sacrifice no matter how much they think it's appropriate, can't be allowed to do it, or, animal sacrifice either. God just won't permit it. That's why He gave the perfect sacrifice so no further sacrifice will be needed. Now, those that are willing to sacrifice their children to homosexuality for profit can't be allowed. It's that simple. And those that will sacrifice a woman that needs an abortion because they can't understand God's way, and do not realize that their teachings are ridiculous can't be permitted. Lines have to be drawn somewhere. It has to be said that some things can't be done!

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