An Open Letter From Muhammed,
Who Is Called The Prophet
To The King Of Saudi Arabia

Below is a letter that was sent to President Bush of The United States from The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God, explaining what he needs in order for him to retake His Throne and save mankind, and, what is His goal. I tell you His goal for Christianity is my goal for Islam. We, too, must cast out the demon of dominance, drive it from Our people's souls, and learn to live in harmony with ourselves and, with Our neighbors. And by ourselves I mean all of those that follow Islam, Rather they be Shiia or Shiite, or whatever they wish to call themselves, they must understand that they must live in harmony with all others and not fear the teachings of others. Any man whose faith is so weak that he fears hearing what others believe has no faith! The true believer would be able to sit down and discuss religion with the believer of any other faith and find the common ground that joins them, and not the differences that separate them. And this is what must be.

Now is the time to glorify truth! The false teachings are in Islam as well, and The Voice Of The Prophets will guide The Islamic People away from them, and just as much as Jesus wants his people to hear Him and obey, I want my pepople to hear me and obey. For it is the only chance they have to survive.

When Jesus retakes His throne He will need me t serve with Him, to be His second in command. I am deeply honored that I am offered this position, and I ask The Islamic People to release me so I may be elevated and serve in that place that God has given me, and that my son in law be elevated to the rank of Prophet and be recognized as the spiritual leader of Islam. I need my people to give me my Throne, just as much as Jesus' people need to give Him His. We are intertwined. I am the last Prophet, God's last True Teacher. I am the only one worthy to be elevated to this position, because all others are desperately needed where they are. without the support of The Islamic People, The Christian People will fail, and all of Earth will die. That is the choice We have. unless The Islamic People rise up and say "We will help our Christian brothers! We will give our Prophet, that he may save The Kingdom Of God, so that We will all dwell in Paradise." I need this, without question, without doubt. The record of my request will exist forever. The whole world will know what I have asked of my people, and if they fail me, the whole universe will know of the result. What is happening here will never be lost, the good of it, or, the shame of it.

The Ruler Of Paradise,
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

September 23, 2,008

An Open Letter From Ronald Regan, Former President Of The United States,
And, Governor Of California
To The Media Of Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA

Most Profound Greetings To Those Who Have The Power To Change The World!

Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, has given me consent to write to The First Lady in His stead today giving her some recommendations in the incredible proposal that is being made to give The Christian Community on Earth a world of their own in the stars, which hinges on her becoming Vice President with Speaker Gerald Polley as President, so that Earth will have a future. Speaker Polley's entire campaign is based on absolute truth. He will not hide the slightest thing he is dong for God. He will not keep anything secret. God is making wondrous proposals to reward the people for doing what is right and he will let the people know what God offers, what he and The First Lady are capable of if they do what God asks them to do. I do not think, in any way, this should keep him from becoming President Of The United States, in the reverse, I think it should encourage The American People to vote for him, because he will support every race and creed except those that hate. As he is a servant of God he can never support those that hate, or those that are filled with lust, for those people put these things before God, and that can never be done. I ask you to tell the world the wonder that is being promised, the glory that awaits them if they will accept God's servants and do God's will. Because the other side of the coin is despair beyond belief. This election is a choice between life and death. It is that simple. If God's people win, man will survive. If God's people lose, there is very little hope. So God's people must win! Here's the link to my comments to The First Lady. I ask you to share them with the world. I have also written to The President, The Vice President, and The King Of Saudi Arabia, and I pray that they hear my words.

A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Salvation Of
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And Forever


We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred,
is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.
( Franklin D. Roosevelt )

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