September 26, 2,008
I Take Complete Responsibility

An Open Letter To The Media Of Washington, DC
From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ

Most Profound Greetings To Those Who Hold The Hope Of America In Their Hands!

I must tell you I am taking complete responsibility for the current economic crisis that The United States is in. I had my Agents cause it because I am angry with The United States and, with The Republican Party, and, the American media because they will not give Speaker Gerald Polley, God's candidate for The Presidency Of The United States, an opportunity to speak, to tell of God's solutios to the problems that The United States is facing, that We have a plan for peace in The Middle East that will work, that We want to give women true equality throughout the world, that We want to end the homosexual infecetion in The United States, and the world. Because those in the government will not show God any respect, God is taking away the thing that they worship most, their prosperity. We can easily restore it. If God's advice is followed the current problems will last a very short time. If He is not, they'll last a very long time. It's completely up to the people of The United States. We only want an opportunity to be heard. I have written a letter to The First Lady today. Here is the link to that.

But I have also written a letter to The President that I feel you need to read immediately, so it is below in its entirety. I tell in that letter what God wants, what God expects in this economic crisis. And I believe The People Of The United States have a right to hear what God has in mind, how He wants this situation resolved. So I am sending you a copy of this letter in its entirety and asking you to write back to me and tell me what's wrong with God's desires. Give God your opinon, give him your answer. Where is anything He suggests wrong?

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ To President George W. Bush

Most Sincere Greetings!

Sorry We had to mess up your little agreement yesterday. When Demetrius came home from work and heard about it I told him I was not pleased and to release his Agents to do something about it. You can see how effective he was. We do not enjoy doing things like this, but as I have said, We want to be heard. That is all We are asking. And We want God's wishes accomodated. We want the assistance to go to the people, not to the companies. And We want the companies to take action to cut their costs, including the decreasing of executives' salaries. The common people cannot be asked to take this burden alone while those who really caused it i ntheir endless greed continue to profit. There must be fairness!

One thing that We want is simple. We want all banks that have stuck homeowners with high interest loans, whose payments constantly rise, to voluntarily switch those loans to fixed interest loans with an acceptable rate that will give the home owners a chance to pay off their mortgages and not lose their homes. And to do this without charging the customers any fees, whatsoever, simply notify the customers that they now have a fixed rate and if necessary the banks will do more to help them keep their homes. It is better to lose a little interest than to be stuck with properties that you can't sell and will be vandalized by those trying to feed their families, and will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair. God is only asking common sense and fairness. Banks and loan companies have taken advantage of individuals during the economic boom. Now that a recession has started let's let those banks show some fairness and assist their customers without penalizing them. Let's save America! Let's do what's right! Let's make this bailout work and not just further enrich those who have plenty already. As I say, We want fairness for them also. If they must take pay cuts they must be given some leeway as well in their financial situations. This is only fair. But all must share in this burden, not just those that can least afford it. And the banks need to lead the way.

I wish so much you would invite Demetrius to The White House and sit down and have a long conversation with him on many issues, tell him what the government is trying to do, see how far apart We are. See where We can truly compromise. We wish to hurt no one. We don't want to see these companies fail. We don't want the American economy to collapse. It just needs a few adjustments to be stable. Give Us a chance to let the public know what adjustments We want to make, and you will find Us a lot more cooperative. Take Our proposal to the banking industry, convince them of the common sense of it. A robust economy is to their benefit. Short term profit is in no way comparable to long term growth. Let's help The American People keep what's theirs so We will not have a rebellion in the mddle class. I guarantee you, The Democrats will never be able to hold this situation together. Their first solution would be to raise taxes, which will only hurt the economy. there has to be other ways, and God has those ways. The best way to solve these situations is with decency and kindness, and We do not believe you disagree with this. Give Us a chance! Let The American People hear what We have to say. You will not regret it.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And Forever

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