September 28, 2,008

Greetings Mr. President!

Below is a paragraph taken from my message to your wife today. I'm sending it to you because I want you to understand what is going to happen if you do not support Us. No matter how much people tell you this cannot be, it cannot happen, it will be. If The Democrats take power there is little doubt that in a very short time this will be the dominant society. God foresees it. I foresee it. Only your wife can stop it, only you can stop it. Do not think that this is not the homosexual agenda. It is the society that they are striving for, the society that they want, and if you let them they'll have it. All decency will be gone, every minister will be praising filth and telling every young woman and every young man to fulfill their every desire, to live as free as they want to live. This is the world you are creating by rejecting God. This is what will be. We have seen it before, it will happen. God knows it will happen if We do not stop it. Again I tell you as long as you oppose God, as long as you will not do God's will, We will not let you solve the economic crisis. We will fight! We will keep this world from coming into existence if We can. We will do whatever We have to do, and there is no way you can stop Us. We will fight this evil, rather man likes it or not. If We can We will keep this future from happening. God asks your help. He asks you to stand with Us. He asks you to stop this insanity now. You have one of two choices, destroy mankind or save mankind, that's it, there's nothing else. If you continue to refuse God, if you continue to refuse to do what God asks, you will be held accountable for destroying mankind, and the whole universe will know, for as I have told you, everything you do is being recorded in the stars. If every record of it disappears on Earth millions, billions will still know what has occurred here. The knowledge of it cannot be hidden. We will not allow it to be hidden, We will make sure it is known. If mankind perishes everyone will know who destroyed them, and who fought for them. I again beg you, in the name of God, to be known as the one who saved mankind by doing what God asked.

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

How can The Republicans believe that McCain can win? He is campaigning that he will reform Washington when his running mate is one of the most corrupt politicians the country has ever seen and is stonewalling the investigation that will probably put her out of office. The Republicans cannot win on the anti abortion issue. It will drag them down. If We cannot replace these candidates, We must oppose them, or We must ask the people not to vote at all, to have Obama elected by the lowest majority in history, by the smallest vote ever cast, to tell the world that he has no mandate, that only a tiny fraction of the people follow him. We have to have your support in one or the other. Again, I tell you it is simple. You are choosing right now rather mankind lives forever or, dies forever. If you choose not to support Us, you are choosing eternal death for the entire human race. If you join us you will guarantee the human race will have eternity, that there will always be an essence of it that will never pass away as long as the universe exists. That is the power you now possess, without doubt, without question, the choice is yours. Demetrius cannot win alone. His people's power has done all it can. Only by combining it with God's power can we succeed. There is nothing else, there is no other hope. You are choosing life or death. There is nothing else. We can see nothing else. Though no matter what, We will keep on fighting, if you will not fight with Us We have virtually no chance. Soon young men will be required to have sexual relations with other men, and young women to have sexual relations with other women. Normal sexual relationships will be banned, except to produce children, and perhaps not even that. It may be required that all women be artificially inseminated so that men will not defile their bodies. Do not laugh! This is what the homosexuals want. This is the society that is their goal. This is what they want to turn the world into. It has happened to other races, and every one of those races has died.

This is what you are choosing if you refuse to stand with Us. This is what the world will become if yo usay "No, I will not do the will of God." This is what you are creating for your grandchildren, and, their children; a living nightmare that will end in slow and agonizing death. That is the choice you are making. I am a Prophet. I have God's Wisdom. I can see what is to come. And because you will not join Us, that is what is coming, that is the future you desire, and that is what will be.


We Don't Know Why!

We said in a recent filler article that the aliens won't help, yet We have been mentioning from time to time, that We believe a second Godhood is assisting Us in the battle against the demons. If the aliens won't help, why are these extra terrestrials helping? To put it absolutely bluntly, We haven't got the foggiest idea! Some people that Demetrius (Gerald) knew ages ago, that his people called Ghosts would help a race that they knew was perishing to ease their passing. But this force definitely seems to be trying to remedy the situation. Where they are acting in a spiritual manner, and not in a material one might be the answer. they are assisting Us with spiritual power and using some of Their immortal souls to replace some of those We have lost. They are causing some very strange phenomena, some very scary phenomena that even makes Us tremble! But We believe what They are doing is an all out act of desperation. They are determined to break the dark ones' power! Why They're so determined We don't know.

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