By; Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One and his female companion had not taken to the skies for a long time, but now they soared over northern Asia and came to rest at an airport where six expensive private jets sat. The Ancient One entered a hangar where where there was quite a group present. As soon as they appeared everyone rose and became quiet. Six men separated themselves from the scantily dressed women and came over. "Are we ready?" The Ancient One asked.
"Yes!" all the men repeated in almost perfect unison.
"Do you have a meal for them?" The Ancient One asked.
Each of the men bowed, pointed to one of their companions, and the man reached down and dragged a prisoner to his feet bound in handcuffs and shackles. The Ancient One nodded. He studied the rest of the groups then he stared at one of the women curiosly, and she tried not to stare directly into his gaze. The Ancient One pointed to her and beckoned with his finger. Reluctantly the woman came over. The Ancient One looked cross, then smiled.

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Committees Raising Hell!

We will be shutting down our Presidential web site and Linda was asking will the spiritual action committees in each state that We sat up for the campaign keep functioning? Absolutely! They have several projects to work on, now, including getting Christians not to vote so Jesus will unseal The Kingdom Of God before He departs and let It continue operating. These are the most horrible times! But Everyone is determined to do whatever They can in the hopes of turning things around. Everybody's going to do Their very best, and pray for a breakthrough, of somehow reaching the people. They will continue to try to expose corruption in both parties, but especially The Democrats, We don't have to work too hard with The Republicans, Sarah Palin is doing that for Us! They're also mad at the people in the media that won't cover us, even when we're good stories, and they're out to expose any corruption they're involved in. Yes, the political action committees still have plenty to do. This is one election year We would not want to be a politician in either party! Everybody's after them! This is going to be one hell of an election!


Is Jesus Keeping The Promise?

Our friend Elgard asked "If Jesus leaves will it break the promise that was made to God The Father when We came to this world, that We would protect His children, or was that just a promise made by The Spiritist Republic, and not The Kingdom Of God?" Well, the good among The Havens made the same promise, but if anyone was to claim that Jesus has not kept His promise they would be booted out of The Afterlife! If anyone has strived to fulfill the agreements that he made with mankind, it's Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ! He has done far more than was required of Him. He has not betrayed man, man has betrayed Him. His devotion has been repaid with betrayal and trechery. God has declared that Jesus has fulfilled all that was required of Him and He may depart at His leisure with good will and praise, and any that speak against Him are to be put out of God's Kingdom. No, We don't think Jesus has broken the promise that was made, man has broken it.


Christmas Boycott

We've been asked because of all this economic mess if God will be trying to arrange the Christmas boycott this year. We're not sure on that, but as strange as it sounds, He might, especially if The Democrats win the election. We will still want to be effecting the economy, and if people don't buy it's going to effect the economy, there's no doubt about it. God would still like to arrange buyers' strikes in Massachusetts before the elections to protect the homosexual movement, getting Christians not to buy Christmas presents would be a considerable help. But it doesn't look like the retailers are going to have much of a Christmas anyway. But We will have to see what happens in the next few weeks. God may have some more tricks up His sleeve. We're far from done! We're not gonna go without a fight! If The Democrats win We're still going to be trying to unify the anti gay movement, and still trying to stop the persecution of women that need an abortion, and getting people to stop buying and stop running up their credit card bills might actually help the economy, having the people get out of debt may be very beneficial. But as for a Christmas boycott, We'll have to see.

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