November 29, 2,008

An Open Letter From Carabella, The Wife Of John, The Son Of Zebedee, Steward Of The Kingdom Of Israel
To First Lady Laura Bush

Most Profound Greetings!

Below are three letters that have been sent to the embassies of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and India. They bear a very important message. It is vital that we be sure that these messages have been received. I beg of you, in the name of God, in the name of those whose lives have been lost to help us! We cannot let the creatures of Darkness succeed. The stability that we have so fought for between India and Pakistan must not be destroyed. The Pakistanis must help seek those that did this and see that they are held responsible. God the Father asks you to personally call each of the ambassadors of these nations and make sure that they have received these messages, and ask them to act upon them, to contact their superiors. You know our dear Demetrius, Speaker Gerald Polley, is real. You are of God. You are one who is supposed to work with him. You might not like some of the things he opposes, and some of the things he must do, but you know he is of God, no matter how much some others wish he was not. There must be those that will do the hard things, that will defend God's children no matter how popular not defending them is. You know this, you know it must be done. I beg of you to do it! If you do not stand with us and Pakistan and India go to war you know you will not be able to deal with it. If we try and fail it is one thing, but if we simply do nothing it is another. Treasure beyond belief was destroyed by these terrorists, the hope of tomorrow was their victims, they precisely targeted them. Much of The Kingdom Of God's network was destroyed, those who would've done God's greatness. We must undo the damage and we must undo it quickly, and you are a key part of our efforts. I again tell you how much I would like a little correspondence with you. It is one of the fondest things in my heart. I am not capable of doing what needs to be done. I am falling short, I am failing. Had I been strong this might never have happened. Please help me become stronger, that I do not fail again and more of God's treasures are lost. I cannot do this alone. I am simply not strong enough. I need your strength, I need the strength of the others who are supposed to serve God. Please, help me! I must not fail again!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From Lord Krishna
To The Prime Minister Of India

November 28, 2,008

Most Exalted Greetings!

Below are two letters that my ally Ali ibn Abi Talib has sent to the rulers of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. I ask that you make these rulers aware that you know these messages have been sent to them, and if they request it you will welcome the services of the spiritual warriors that they would provide to defend your people. We must work together in this crisis. All who have existed before who dwell in that wondrous Place awaiting those that do good in their lives, desire to defend India. Those in the living form do not stand alone. The most powerful of beings are waiting to assist them. I beg of you, to request Their assistance. As my ally has done, I ask your ambassador to request of Speaker Gerald Polley, in Bismarck, North Dakota, that he establish a more direct means of communication with your nation so that my people can draw upon the resources that are offered them.

Yours In The Service Of These People
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter To The King Of Saudi Arabia Through His Ambassador In Washington, DC
From Ali ibn Abi Talib, Steward Of The Kingdom Of Ishmael

Below is a letter I have sent to The President Of Pakistan. I wish to inform you that a spiritual force, some of Islam's greatest protectors, has also gathered in Saudi Arabia, and they too wish consent to enter into India and go to the aide of their friends, both Islamic and Hindu. They too, need the consent of the Indian government so they can transgress the barriers surrounding India and fight the creatures of Darkness. As The Ruler Of All Islam in The Afterlife I request of you that you ask the consent of the Indian leadership in the material world to dispatch your spiritual warriors to their aide. This is imperative! The world must be made to understand that these creatures of Darkness that are murdering the innocent are not part of Islam!
I ask you also that you have your ambassador set up a more direct means of contact with Speaker Gerald Polley, in Bismarck, North Dakota, so that my messages to you can reach you with more haste. If we can work together, we can save mankind. Unity is of the essence!
I so desire that your ambassador help set up the programs that God wants to restore Speaker Polley's abilities, so he may again function at his full effect.

Yours In The Service Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.
( Dwight D. Eisenhower )

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