January 11, 2,008
It Should Be Easy!


Everyone in The Kingdom Of God is getting really frustrated that we can't get any support in the presidential campaign! Jesus sent a passionate plea to some of our dearest friends Wednesday, asking them what He has done wrong, why they won't help in the effort. It is so difficult when there is so much power flowing, when everything is so phenomenal, and just nothing! We should be making history, shocking the world, but we can't get a thing going! And we have some really incredible opportunities! Everyone in The Afterlife just shakes their heads and goes "This can't be! This simply can't be! We cannot have this much power and be so impotent!" It is really driving Everyone to frustrations!
Jesus is beginning to feel the way He felt when He was betrayed for Clinton, that the people really don't want Him any more, that they play lip service to believing, but they have no real belief. That is disturbing Everyone! The pain of that horrible time is still vividly remembered! There must be some way of getting a spark! But nothing is working like it used to! We have said this before, but it is true. People keep telling us we're fools, that nobody believes any more, that nobody will do anything because they don't care, and they don't want to upset their friends that don't believe. We hope they're wrong, We pray they're wrong! But the power is there like it has never been seen before! There's got to be some way of making it work, of rising the people. But We can tell you, it's never been seen like this!
Linda realized after we got all the audio versions of "Here's Jesus!" back up, that we had a whole bunch of video ones and she wanted to put them up. Unfortunately we're running out of space at Go Daddy! Our friend Gibby suggested Linda open up her own MySpace page and put them there. So she's putting up a couple a day when she has time. It would be a shame to let all this beautiful stuff go to waste, so much effort was put into it. We hope everybody will enjoy it. Here's the link.



Hopefully nobody will be offfended by them and have them taken down!
You can't say we're not trying! Gerald sent a modified copy of the Maine letter to many of the states that are still to have primaries. He got as far as Virginia, a total of 129 emails! He got sixteen in Califrnia, nineteen in Maryland, not as good other places. But in a future time when people complain that nothing was done they'll tell them at The Gates Of Heaven that something most certainly was but man didn't care! Help was there, hope was there, but man didn't care.
What does Jesus want? What would prove to Him that He still can influence people and get things done? There is one simple thing that would give Jesus the greatest joy. If the media in California would spread this story. "Presidential candidate Speaker Gerald Polley would like Governor Schwazenegger to meet him on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" on ABC as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of the good governor being Speaker Polley's secretary of defense if he wins the Presidency. " If Jesus can get the media in California to arrange this meeting it will do a great deal to restore His faith that He can do things. It will accomplish many things, honor His beloved Jimmy Kimmel, give Gerald's presidential campaign national attention, and make it known to the world that God wants Gov. Schwarzenegger to serve in a higher position, to show what an immigrant to The United States can accomplish, that he can rise to one of the highest positions in the American government, one of the most honored positions in the world by obeying the rules and following the law.
If Jesus could accomplish this it would be a major blow against the creatures of Darkness and fill Jesus with joy, for He has been able to honor three people that God wants to honor and make the public aware of. Now is this something that could be done? Could the word be gotten out? Could we get the governor to agree to the meeting, because the governor and Speaker Polley agree on many things. Speaker Polley supports the governor in his efforts to make higher standards to fight global warming, just to mention one thing. These are the kinds of things Jesus wants to accomplish. These are the kinds of things that He wants to get done, that the people in the material world can easily do. Could we get this one going for Him? Could we deal a horrendous blow against the creatures of Darkness? Should be easy!
We've been asked "Why would Jesus be asking the support of a musical group like The Foo Fighters?" DUH! If Kurt Cobain can get The Foo Fighters to rally to Jesus' cause, to raise the money to bring Him to Los Angeles, to have them say "Hey! We may fool around, we may have some fun, but we still believe in The Lord Of Heaven. We might disagree with Him sometimes, but He still takes care of ours, and we'll take care of His!" To have The Foo Fighters and their fans be the ones to call Jesus to Los Angeles and provide His servants a residence would show Jesus' power beyond doubt, and break the dark ones! Jesus did not come for the well, He came for the sick. He came for those who need guidance, who need protection against the dark ones, who need His power. To have The Foo Fighters support Him would be His greatest joy!


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