January 5, 2,008
You Can Triumph



God was very disappointed that no one got back to Him with the question he put forth yesterday. But He wanted us to answer one that we're constantly getting. People are saying "You can't possibly win!" God says "Listen my children, believe in me! You can win if you rise together and combine all your resources, you can win! Every organization necessary for us to win is out there. All we have to do is put them together, get them to forget their small differences, and work for the common good. Believe in me! Believe in the power I give you, and you can do anything! Too many times people who have tremendous ability, people who can accomplish wonderful things give up and don't try because the ignorant tell them they can't win, they don't have a prayer. But when they try the ignorant are sadly disappointed because they succeed, something they don't want them to do. The forces of Darkness do not want you to unite, they don't want you to use your tremendous abilities. They want you to say 'Oh, no matter what I do it's useless, so why try?' so you will wither and die. Do not be their pawns! Do not be their victims! Listen to me and succeed. I say you can! And if you believe in me, and use the power that I give you, you will triumph!" God wanted us to give everybody those comments.
There is a lot of discussion in the media rather or not the current process is the right way to nominate a president. Should an out of the way state like Iowa have so much influence on a presidential election? The Kingdom Of God says "Don't let anyone tamper with the system! It gives the people an opportunity to express their views and select the candidates they want, not the politicians. The politicians want to control the whole process so the people have no say in who is elected. This must never be allowed to happen!
There's some kind of story going around that Paris Hilton's grandfather has decided to give the bulk of his money to charity and that the family may contest it in the court. People wanted to know if The Kingdom Of God felt they had a right to do so. Absolutely not! The money is the man's its not his family's. What he chooses to do with it is up to him. The idea of violating the sanctity of a will is appalling to The Kingdom Of God. That such greed exists disturbs Them. However The Kingdom Of God does feel that the gentleman should establish a two million dollar trust fund for each of his heirs that would give them a monthly income for the rest of their lives, and be transferrable to their heirs. That they would not be able to borrow against this trust fund or sell the income from it to anyone, but be able to use the interest for the rest of their lives. The Kingdom Of God loves trust funds!
Bean Baxter on "Kevin & Bean" cracked Jesus up Thursday when he said he was afraid he would go to hell because he put out a t shirt that said "Jesus Was A Quitter." Jesus says "My dear Bean, I can never critisize anyone for speaking the truth! Of course I was a quitter! And I hope that mankind will follow suit and be a quitter right along with me. I quit hate, lust, greed, envy, oh, there are so many things I quit that we could go on and on all day! No, I do not think your t shirt is inappropriate. I think when people consider they will understand that I certainly did quit a lot of things, a lot of things! It would be nice, however, if you give ten per cent of your profits back to me to do God's work. And of course by quitting life I saved the majority of God's children. So I think I'll keep right on quitting!"
Here's one of those sad little things. Jesus had Gerald put away his art pens. There simply won't be any time to do art work while we're working on the Presidential campaign. Gerald agreed. But we've got so much of it ahead it doesn't matter much...two or three clip books of them! But people miss it. Who knows? Gerald may set up an easel in the corner of The Oval Office and while he's carrying on the affairs of state do a little painting to relax. What would those be worth at an "Antiques Road Show"?
In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" are two questions from September, 2,003, "Was the recent temporary removal of the Los Angeles dead zone the cause of KROQ and Wireless Flash interviewing us about our support of Arnold?" and in segment 2 "How are the 9/11 victims doing? How do they think The United States is dong in the war on terrorism?" Yet another very important episode!





Kingdom Of God actually pleased with the results in Iowa. Knocking down Hillary is one of Their chief goals! As Gerald keeps saying if we can get to the national elections we'd rather be running against Obama than Hillary. And Huckabee shook up the other Republican candidates. Gerald is still hoping to get together with Giuliani and gain his support, let evrybody know that if he wins Giuliani will be his secretary of labor, a position he is very suited for. But the next voting is Nevada and South Carolina, and then of course New Hampshire. And some how, some way Gerald would like to get on the ballot in those states, or at least gather enough people to be a write in candidate in those tickets.





To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years.
To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.
( Sir Winston Churchill )


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