February 12, 2,008
Crappy Email Addresses

Linda has been sending the letter to The Pope to the media around The United States, two newspapers, two t.v. stations and two radio stations in each state. I have been mailing to Catholic Diocese across The United States with the beginning on the letter "God wants The Catholics to make sure that The Pope has received this message. We have done our part. We have sent it to the media throughout the country. If God fails He will not hold us accountable." God is very serious in this. He is having me keep as accurate a list as possible of who I send to in each diocese, whenever possible getting names. And He will hold these people accountable if He fails to reach The Pope! Thus far I have managed to mail to only one diocese in California. I got five emails there. God asked me to give you the names of those individuals who are doomed to eternal death if we fail to reach The Pope and have him answer God's call.
God is so angry that so many of the Catholic sites have blocked people out or simply do not work that He has stated that even those who did not receive our emails but we sent to will not be allowed entry into The Kingdom Of God. He says that the servants of God should make sure that they are accessible to the public and that God's other servants are able to contact them. If they do not have emails that work they should not have any at all. But they should not have systems that deceive the people into thinking that they are accessible! He has no problem with systems that require verification that the message is not spam sent by some automatic system. But he will never tolerate His messages being blocked because people don't want to be bothered or, don't want to hear the truth.
These are the most incredible times! Miracles are happening, but they are being ignored, and God is not pleased, God is not pleased at all! We are asked what will happen to The Catholic Church if The Pope does no respond. It will go into a period of incredible decay. If they think they have problems now, they have no idea what is coming! There will be scandal after scandal, priest after priest will be exposed. Corruption will be found everywhere. Perish after perish will close. Church after church will be sold to some other faith until eventually even The Vatican closes and sells its property. In time The Catholic Church will become a forgotten memory, known only to Biblical scholars as a branch of Christianity that became so corrupted, so defiled, that God abandoned it, and it disappeared. If we do not reach The Pope that is the eventual fate of Catholocism. Remember, you are the ony one receiving these emails. They will be posted in our magazine at the end of the month. But you are the only one receiving our information on a daily basis because God considers you His only true voice in California.

February 13, 2,008
A Few Victories

We sent another news update to our friend Kevin of "The Kevin & Bean Show" KROQ, Los Angeles, CA.
Kingdom Of God overjoyed with Obama's victories! Again the creaturs of Darkness threw everything they had at Us but Hillary gave us an important rallying cry with her suggestion of forcing people to pay for health insurance. It didn't work as well in some states, but the people yesterday didn't like this idea at all, and responded to The Kingdom Of God's message. Hopefully the rest of the primaries will do likewise.
We believe the creatures of Darkness' next step will be to suggest an Obama/Clinton ticket to give Hillary an opportunity to get The Presidency by coming in the back door. We hope Obama is smart enough to refuse the offer because it would be putting a big target on him saying "Assassinate me!" No one would want to be President with Hillary as Vice President!
Power continuing to pour into The Kingdom Of God, unbelievable levels! Every email we send out is bringing tremendous response spiritual and all kinds of visits to our web sites. We can tell by the tracking that the next day a lot of visits come from the areas that we emailed to, but no material responses.
Glad to hear the writers' strike is over! God hopes to see some helpful stuff to the cause. Remember, you are the only one getting these emails now. You are God's true voice in California. He is fed up with those that say they lead His people but are full of corruption and greed, and only pretend to help the people for financial benefit. He would still appreciate a call to The White House to request an interview with The First Lady, to ask her if she will fulfill God's wishes and be my running mate. Though Obama would be a better candidate than Hillary he's still a Democrat and would be working for the Democrat agenda, which would be sodomize and tax and legalize.
Oh! Kurt Cobain wanted us to thank you for constantly featuring his picture on your web site, and continuing to bring power in to him. John Lennon asks if you could promote another one of his songs. He wants to keep the energy flowing through him, as well, which is dying down a little bit. Though many music sites are still featuring our songs. He needs some Los Angeles exposure.

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