March 17, 2,008
God's Praise For Rep. Sally Kern

God sent a twelfth email to The First Lady Saturday praising Republican Rep. Sally Kern of Oklohama for speaking the truth publicly about homosexuals. Gerald wrote an email to the Oklahoma media telling them about God's praise and his campaign. Here's the link to this where you can get to God's message.

Linda emailed this to twenty newspapers and several t.v. and radio stations in Oklahoma.
After work Gerald also made a video telling how pleased God is with Rep. Kern.

Since their friend Elgard was coming to take them to get Voices printed at Staples and sent off to the copyright office, he wrote up a quick message telling about the video after Linda uploaded it to their web site, and, about his campaign. He asked Elgard to upload it to his You Tube account also before they left.

Gerald printed out the message about the video which suggested they play it, and while at Staples Elgard faxed it to three Oklahoma t.v. stations. Gerald treated them all to dinner at their favorite Chinese restaurant then Elgard took them for a long ride in the country. A great day's work and adventure! Gerald keeps thinking how that if he should win the Presidential campaign we will lose these simple pleasures. Going anywhere and doing anything will be a major operation. Simply hopping in the car and taking a drive in the country would be an impossibility. There is a price for everything, and becoming The President Of The United States, part of the price is sacrificing your freedom, giving up your privacy for the sake of the people. It's little wonder so few people are even interested in the job!
The Kingdom Of God has decided to have an all out St. Patrick's Day bash! Not only The Kingdom Of God, but just about Everybody, Everywhere has decided to take a day off and enjoy some entertainment from The Irish! Everybody's just going to have a high old good time. Beatles & Friends and Kurt Cobain And The Wonders are inviting some of their Irish friends to do prolonged concerts. Of course John will sing "Give Ireland Back To The Irish," which has endeared him to those people. Kurt has come up with a new song about Ellen Degeneres. It is a remake of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," but which is now entitled "Smells Like Ellen." We have sent it to several of our friends but there's nothing that we can do with it. Where it is a direct rewrite we wouldn't dare publish it or do anything with it ourselves for fear everybody would be after us for copyright infringement. Kurt so wishes he could get the support of his wife, but he knows that is an impossibility, just as John cannot reach Yoko. But we have an enormous pool of talent to draw upon. And God is using everything!
The creatures of Darkness are by no means quitting! The attacks in Texas continue, though they are obviously only at a nuisance level, while they regenerate. They have made no efforts whatsoever, to close the flow of energy in Washington, though they are desperately trying to reach people there and turn people against us. Skirmishes continue in Maine and California, again just efforts to keep us tied down. But The Kingdom Of God's efforts against Obama's minister have proven quite successful. As God promised, they are finding every weak point and attacking it! And We wonder who's next! It is sad, however, that in the aspect of race the minister is speaking the truth. Hillary Clinton has no idea of what the people of color face, and is part of the problem that they face, for she is using race in her campaign. It is not these things that turns The Kingdom Of God against the reverend and his church. It is his opinions on other religions that turns The Kingdom Of God against him, his teachings of hate against those who practic other faiths. The Kingdom Of God will continue to fight racism but It will not tolerate bigotry. We must learn to live together and accept each others' differences! Of course there are some differences that cannot be accepted that are destroying everybody's children. But there are some that must be understood.
God also sent a thirteenth letter to The First Lady on St. Patrick's Day. Here's the link.


Jeremiah 2:8

The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
We are constantly bombarded with the complaint that what we say is not Biblical, that things like this never happened in The Bible. Yet the verse above shows a direct paralell to what is happening today, so-called priests teaching false doctrine in the temples of God, praying not to God, but praying to lust and greed, prophesying for Baal and not for God. What we are fighting is not new. The forces of Darkness have tried to corrupt the truth for untold ages, have tried to bring the children into Darkness rather than lead them into The Light. Our battle is Biblical. It will always be Biblical. The forces of Darkness have new names, the priests of Baal are now called cardinals of The Catholic Church, but the evil is the same, the perversion is the same. The battle for the souls of man still rages. It will never completely end. We must always be vigilant.

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