The punishment for major crimes shall be as follows.



Firstly, a person convicted of a crime shall be put into punishment for the period of years laid out in these statutes. No Speaker may alter a sentence, lengthen it, or, shorten it at their discretion. Once a panel of ten Judges has pronounced a guilty sentence the Speaker shall open his book of Statutes, find the section on that particular crime, and read the punishment. No bargains may be made with prisoners for shorter sentences other than those that are allowed in the Law. Any Speaker doing so has committed a criminal offense, and shall be, themselves, prosecuted.



There shall be three levels of punishment, red, orange, and yellow. Persons in these levels of punishment must wear clothes of these colors. Garments of these colors may not be sold to the public, only persons in punishment may wear these colors.



In red level the person shall be confined in a prison in a private cell and not be allowed to communicate with other prisoners. They shall be given work to do and paid common wages for that work. Out of the income they earn they shall pay their room and board. Anything left over is theirs to spend as they wish. If an inmate should make an income from any source the profits from that income after their room and board is paid is theirs. Stealing from an inmate shall be considered the same as stealing from anyone else, and those guilty of it shall be prosecuted according to these statutes.



In orange level punishment an inmate may move freely within the prison system, may be given work as a trustee, and paid according to any duties that they are performing. Orange levels are not allowed to leave the prison.



Under yellow punishment a prisoner may either reside in the prison at night, and work outside the prison during the day, or, reside in a public dwelling outside of the prison or, a private one, and report weekly to a supervisor. Yellow prisoners are forbidden to speak to people in the community other than common curtesies like "Good morning!" "Good afternoon!" and greetings such as that, and answer simple questions like "How are you today?" No person may ask a person in punishment about why they are in punishment. No person may harass a person in punishment. This is a prosicutable crime that could put that person, themselves, in punishment. Prisoners who are housed and dwelled in a community will be treated with all dignity and respect.



The greatest punishment for any crime shall be the ending of a person's life. The traditional Spiritist mode of execution is beheading by using a device that a prisoner is laid down upon and then a razor sharp blade removes the person's head propelled by a steel spring. This is considered the most humane form of execution.



If a person makes complete confession after conviction they may be granted the mercy of being given a lethal injection. But this injection must be willingly accepted. If they struggle or refuse to accept the injection they shall be taken to a place of execution and executed according to the statutes.



Also, if a convicted individual so wishes they can be anesthetized and any usable organs that they have be donated to individuals in need of them for transplant. But this can only be done with the prisoner's consent, and that consent must be witnessed by three family members or, three impartial witnesses to guarantee that the prisoner is doing this of their own free will. No organs may be taken from any executed person without their consent. An individual that is executed in the standard manner can also donate their organs if they so desire. again there must be independent witnesses that this is done of their free will.



Any prison officials taking bribes from any prisoner's family to put them in a lesser level of punishment than is required by law shall be prosecuted to the full extent of these statutes.



However, if a prisoner in a high level of punishment has shown extremely good behavior and it is felt that he or she would be of no danger to the community if they were put in a lower level of punishment, if a panel of ten judges hears their case and approves of the change in sentencing that prisoner may be given that lower station. But any violation of the rules would mean that that prisoner would be returned to their original level.



Any persons trying to extort money or sexual favors from a prisoner by threatening to accuse them of something that would return them to a higher level shall be prosecuted to the full extent of these statutes, according to the Laws set forth for extortion.



These are the punishments set forth for those that commit offenses. The public should take heed of them and know that should they decide to violate the law this is the fate that awaits them.



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