The highest crime that any citizen of The Republic can commit towards its government and its people is treason. Under the law any of the following acts are treason in the eyes of The Republic.



Stealing information that The Republic deems classified and selling it to the representatives of another nation, government, or industrial. The revealing to the public any information that the government deems confidential.



Serving in the military forces of any country that is engaged in hostilities with The Republic, or any faction of a country with which The Republic is in hostilities with.



Conspiring by force of arms to overthrow the government of The Republic, and to replace it with another form of government that's purpose is to take away the liberty of The Republic's citizens.



Stealing from the government of The Republic for personal gains. Embezzling funds that are meant for the assisting of the poor, widows, and, orphans by any means whatsoever, shall be considered treason against The Republic.



Attempting to assassinate or assassinating any representative of The Republic, national, state, or city, shall be considered treason.



The penalty for treason in all cases is execution by decapitation, if the person goes to trial and is convicted. If the individual makes full confession that sentence may be reduced to life in punishment.





Under Republic Law racism is a serious crime. The teaching of hate to gain power and control the people is absolutely forbidden! No person may teach other people to hate their neighbors because their skin is a different hue, they come from a different nation, are of a different religion, or, a different tribe, or even a different sect within a religion. Any form of racism is absolutely forbidden!



If someone wants to say that they do not believe in living with people of a different hue and marrying them, they have every right to live by themselves and not associate with people that are different. But they have no right, whatsoever, to encourage other people to harm their neighbors because they are different.



The moment any leader, political or, religious, starts saying to harm individuals that are different, to take their property, or to kill them, that person shall be removed from power, and duly tried. If any of that person's followers have killed other people because of his or her teachings, it shall be considered murder, and that person tried accordingly.



The penalty for the teaching of racism, for encouraging people to harm others if they follow those instructions and harm others, is execution by decapitation. If the person gives full confession and waivers trial, or, if no individuals have been killed by this person's followers, that sentence may be reduced to life in punishment. But no lesser sentence for this crime may be handed down. If this person is found to still be teaching hate while they are in punishment and encouraging people to kill, the mercy that they have been given shall be withdrawn, and they shall be executed in the manner prescribed by law.





Civil disobedience is absolutely forbidden in The Republic. Rioting, wanton destruction of public and private property will not be tolerated. Looting, under any circumstances, will not be accepted, rather after a civil disturbance, or after a natural disaster. Failure to respond to civil authorities shall be dealt with harshly. Individuals looting if they refuse to surrender may be fired upon. Individuals attacking others may be fired upon. Any looters shall be seized and tried under the statutes of theft and burglary. Any persons assaulting others during a civil disturbance shall be tried under the statutes of assault. If any life is lost those persons doing the killing shall be tried under the statutes of murder. No leniency shall be shown because they were taking part in a civil disturbance. They shall be tried exactly the same as any other murderers and punished accordingly. The idea that people in a mob are not responsible for their actons is not acceptable to the citizens of The Republic. All citizens have a legitimate right to protest. But no citizens have the right under any circumstances, to destroy property, steal, and murder, and it will not be allowed.



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