This is a very important letter that has been sent to The King Of Saudi Arabia that has meaning to all the people of The Middle East. From now on every time a suicide bomber strikes, ten times as many will pay for it among those responsible. Now even those that died ages ago will pay the price, will sacrifice themselves for those now living in the hope that they can be saved. Their energy will still exist, but what they are, their personalities wil be gone forever. They will be destroyed. They will be given up to God. Every person in The Middle East that contemplates supporting a suicide bomber should know this. They should know that it's going to be their loved ones that will pay the price, that will atone to God, that will give theselves to God in His holy jihad against those that kill. Every person contemplating killing should know this, should know that every life they take will cost them ten. That is God's way. That is God's promise to the innocent so everyone should be doing their utmost to protect the innocent. All should be contacting The Saudi King and saying "Please help God's servant! Please empower him! Save our loved ones!"

December 18, 2,008

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To The King Of Saudi Arabia

Most Sincere Greetings!

I don't mind telling you I don't like this idea of people who are completely innocent offering to sacrifice themselves for their children that should be destroyed. But it has instantaneously become very popular. Next week We have to take out fifty more souls because of the suicide bomber in Iraq. That cleric in Baghdad who has been telling his Muddled army to kill American soldiers is on the list with many of his associates. Unfortunately forty of his male relatives in The Afterlife have come forward and offered to sacrifice themselves to become maggots if he and his associates will be spared. As innocent souls are much more valuable than these ones that have probably already lost anyway, the twenty-five closest to him have been accepted and will sacrifice themselves next Thursday and this foul creature and his associates will be taken out of the rotation for this incident. Their loved ones are buying them more time, giving them a chance for eternal life. But almost immediately I have been beseiged with requests for mercy, that some alternative be presented. I asked God for His council and He said it was entirely up to me as to what I could offer. So this is what I have considered.
If this cleric will turn himself over to the American troops, make full confession and insist that he be executed by lethal injection within forty-eight hours and by lethal injection I mean something very simple. I mean have a doctor he trusts fill a syringe with some substance that will cause his brain to die within five minutes, put it in his arm, and inject him with it, no stupid IVs or complicated machinery, a simple injection. If there is a little bit of discomfort under the circumstances it will be acceptable. If he agrees to this, and spares his loved ones I will agree to do all in my power to assure that he would have eternal life. It would be best if my wife and I were there and I, myself, was to administer the injection, but of couse this is impossible. I cannot travel even fifty miles away from my home at this time. But still We believe that We could fulfill this promise. This is the best I can offer. This is the best I can do. These people are offering themselves in the holy jihad that God is fighting against this individual. They are willing to restore God's honor that he has blemished, therefore, only he can replace them. It's that simple.
As I say, this thing is already out of control. There is a grandmother of a woman in Washington, DC that is offering to give herself to atone for that woman's failures to God. When the chickadees are laying their eggs in her home city she wants to be put into them. Well, at least that's better than maggots! But of course I can't even mention this to this woman. However the offer has been made and I do not know if God will accept it. And I'm sure there will be others. This is only the beginning. There are three souls in The Afterlife for every person on Earth, and it is believed that a third of those souls could sacrifice themselves without doing any harm, whatsoever, if it is controlled and none of their energy is lost. It's going to make work very difficult for Those in The Afterlife, but it is possible. So there's no telling how long this could go on, now that Those in The Afterlife know it can be done.
Here's a silly thing. God wanted me to let you know that we have virtually nothing in the cupboards, we have nothing with which to celebrate Christmas. He wanted me to ask you to have your Ambassador in Washington DC invite my wife and I to Christmas dinner at your embassy there. I have no idea why! He knows we can't travel and He knows your people don't celebrate Christmas, but He asked me to mention this. Even if we could get some people to help restore my powers there wouldn't be time to do so so I could make such a trip. I would need at least two good power sources for about five days, a single one for seven. Even if we were to start today there wouldn't be enough time. But as I have said before, when God asks me to say something I have to say it. I would appreciate it very much if you could get this proposal to the cleric in Iraq, and let him know that it's a very simple question. Will he give himself to God and atone for what he has done? Or will twenty-five of his closest male relatives do it? The choice is his. We cannot make it for him. But if he will be a man, if he will surrender to God and end the insanity that he is in, God will show mercy. God will give him eternal life. He will know Paradise.
As always we must warn people like this there will be pain. For a time he will have to suffer. But that pain will pass and because he has done God's will and been His true servant he will enter Paradise. This is the promise that God gives, and God's promises are eternal.

He That Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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