December 22, 2,008

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Prime Minister Of Israel

Most Sincere Greetings!

For the last few weeks I have been telling the people of Pakistan and India that there must be a restitution for the murder of the people in India by terrorists. That on December 30th 2,000 souls will be destroyed in Pakistan for those that were murdered in India. That from this day forth every time a terrorist kills the souls of ten people that are associated with him or her will be destroyed forever, as much as possible their relatives. Some of those in my Kingdom have even offered to sacrifice themselves, to give up their eternal existence to spare their living children.
Now I hear that Hamas is threatening suicide attacks on Israel again. I desire greatly that these people understand that if such attacks take place ten of their forbears will sacrifice themselves for every Israeli they kill. This includes rocket attacks. Every Israeli that is killed the souls of ten Palestinians will be destroyed. I have the power to take restitution when my children are murdered, and I will take it.
There are some that are saying that ten to one is too much when the forbears of individuals sacrifice themselves, that it should only be half as much. The tradition is ten for one. I can only alter that with the consent of the aggreived. If the government of Israel contacts me and says "God The Father, we understand that these people are giving themselves to make restitution for what is being done to us, but we feel where they are innocents who have never done us any wrong the price should not be as high. We ask that you take only five to one when individuals willingly sacrifice themselves to pay their people's debts. I believe this would be a gesture of goodwill to the Palestinian people. Therefore I am sending this official petition to You on their behalf requesting mercy. Not for those that are committing the acts, but for those that are willingly making restitution for them. If you could give me a prompt reply on this matter I would very much appreciate it." But know you this. Those responsible for the suffering of your people will pay a terrible price! They will not escape. Justice will be done! Someone will pay for what they do. But I do believe that a generous people are the more worthy ones, the merciful people the greater ones. I believe The Children Of Israel are the superior people. I sincerely hope I am proven right.
I must advise you that my servant is in difficulty at this time. Because my beloved Son Jesus has abandoned mankind his abilities are destabilized. I have been requesting of The Saudi Arabian government that they send a young woman to become his daughter and the protector of her people, shielding them that can be saved from his power. It would be beneficial if there was also a young woman from Israel. However, the rewards that my servant can offer others cannot be offered to Israel. Still, finiding some means of providing such a protector would be beneficial to The Israeli People. But regardless of this, the Angel Of Destruction will follow my directions.And those who harm The Children Of Israel will be punished, and they will be punished severely! And I wish you to make the world aware of this. I am The Creator Of This World, I am The Ruler Of This World. The one I speak through is my only true voice. Any others that say those who murder will be rewarded are not of me. They are of the Darkness, and they will be destroyed!
There is another problem that I should mention to you. I do not recognize the Obama administration, nor will I ever. They have chosen a creature of Darkness, a lesbian, as their secretary of state. My servant can have nothing to do with them. He is forbidden to communicate with them. When they take office there is little doubt they will try to interfere with me, because they believe my statements against the leaders of Hamas are threats against legitimate world leaders. They have threatened my servant with imprisonment for delivering my messages. A message from The People Of Israel telling the leaders of The United States that under no cirucmstances would this woman be permitted in Israel would be of tremendous benefit right now. She is an adulterer and a thief. Her crimes have been proven over and over again! She should not be representing The United States. She still has ambitions of being The President, which We will fight. She is my enemy. She tells my young men to have sex with men and she tells my daughters to have sex with women. She tells them to marry each other. I cannot accept her! The world should not accpet her. Any that say they serve me cannot accept her.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Suicide Bombers On The Old Worlds

We've probably talked about this before, but what did people do about suicide bombers on The Old Worlds? Well, Haven never had the problem. There were a few bombs, but no suicide bombers. Neither did Peepi. Only Hades had this problem, and Their solution was very simple. Everybody got a birth certificate when They were born that entitled Them to replace Themselves. So, using Their birth certificates a man and a woman could have two children. This was how they kept the population in control. Whenever terrorists attacked and killed the innocent, ten of their people were surgically sterilized for each person killed and not allowed to replace themselves. Then, their birth certificates were sold in a lottery to those that wanted more than two children of another race besides those from which the suicide bombers came. Suicide attacks became very unpopular. Those carrying them out had to be afraid of their own people more than the authorities, because their own people would kill them first! We don't know how well this idea would work on Earth, but it worked very well on Hades. Suicide bombers disappeared!

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