There is nothing I ask that is unreasonable. I want people to stop hating, I want people to stop killing. I want them to live in peace with one another, and those who will not one way or another, I will destroy! It's that simple! If you want to prosper, live in peace with your neighbors and develop your own lands. Make them gardens of delight. But attack your neighbors, kill the innocent, and your nations will be wastelands, barren and empty. There's nothing in between, there's no middle ground.
Demetrius was dreaming last night that he was spying on Obama and his people and they were having a big meeting discussing some way of getting cooperation from him, of getting support. And one of Obama's people was saying "It's absolutely impossible, sir! They won't see reason! They won't compromise on anything! It's their way or nothing. They don't understand negotiations. They don't understand peace making. Their only solution to every problem is to hurt those doing the wrong until they stop doing it. They say they have no compassion or pity. It's absolutely true! There's no way we can work with them! They would not even negotiate with our secretary of state! They would not even negotiate with you! There's no way we can approach them. You would have to turn on the homosexuals, you would have to turn on major executives. You would have to go after all corruption, even among our own people. They will not see reason in anything! They won't give any ground, whatsoever! It's simply hopeless." Obama kept saying "There has to be a way! There has to be! We have to fix the economy! There has to be a way of gaining their support." And his aides kept telling him there was none. Demetrius left, laughing, knowing he's doing a good job. Again this is better than some of the nightmares Demetrius is having, that he does not like to even describe because they involve hurting people. And Demetrius does not like to hurt people unless he absolutely has to.
There is a message to these Ashtarian people on Demetrius' web sites. It is a signal to their agents on Earth to shut down their operations and to recognize Demetrius as their leader and follow his instructions. Here's the link to it.
It would still be very beneficial if you were to play this message on every one of your television and radio stations every hour on the hour, for 24 hours, saturate the air waves in the hopes that The Ashtarian Agents working in your country that still do not know their people aren't coming would hear it. It would be very beneficial if the same thing was done on every radio and tv station in Pakistan and India. It is still believed that many of these agents have not been informed by their leaders that their mission is over. It is believed it is only a handful of fanatics that are determined to destroy mankind. If their own people could seize them and get rid of them it would be very beneficial in our ongoing situation. As long as these individuals are still creating chaos it makes Our job that much harder. I am sure your excellent technicians could touch this message up, make the volume a little bit clearer. There is so much that needs to be done, that We do not have the support or the funds to do that We should've had ages ago. But if you really want to help your people, if you really want to help the people of Gaza, of Pakistan, of India, this would be one of the greatest ways of helping them. If this message only reached four or five of these people and they stopped their efforts it could make the difference!
I ramble on and on in these messages. Demetrius' next magazine will be over 50 pages! But every message I send to everyone is important because they are the hope of the world. The Islamic People and The Hindu People are offered great rewards for their cooperation, for their help. The Children are among them. When The Awakening begins they should not be hindered. But they should be joyously welcomed. For once it begins nothing will stop it, and no matter how much some of the people in the American government want to stop it, want to keep things as they are, they will fail! They will fail!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Why Not Obama?

We are asked how can we let the spirit of Caylee Anthony into our home and nurture her when we say we would not let President Obama in our home, that we will not even communicate with him? How can we put a child that has become a creature of Darkness above The President Of The United States? Well, let's see. First of all this child got one raw deal! Everybody that she loved turned on her, betrayed her, tried to pretend that she hadn't been hurt to protect the one that did it. She may have done wrong, she may have done terrible wrong, but nothing she asks is unjust. She simply wants everybody involved to speak the truth, to tell what they know so she can be released and have peace. She's an innocent that's gone the wrong way. Obama is a full grown, rational adult that fully knows homosexuality is a sickness, and is wrong. But he is accepting it for political gain. He is endangering the souls of his daughters and every other young woman in The United States and he simply doesn't care, as long as it gives him power. Therefore, we can't have a thing to do with him! If he was to tell Hillary Clinton to take a hike, support our efforts to outlaw homosexuality, support our efforts overseas, we would open a line of communications with him. But as long as he clings to evil, as long as he supports the evil for power we can't, it's that simple. We can help the innocent obtain justice, but we cannot support evil!

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