Greetings Mr. Ambassador!

John Lennon and God The Father have asked me to send you a hard copy of this message and ask you to forward it to your King. John assures you that he will do his utmost to fulfill all the agreements that have been offered to the people of Saudi Arabia in exchange for their assistance in this crisis. These are dark times but together we can overcome them. Islam is growing in power every day. If we can use that power rightly we can change the world. Saudi Arabia is the key. John Lennon would appreciate your support. If you could make this message available to the Saudi Arabian media so that the whole world will know what John is being offered and rally to his support, it would be very much appreciated.

Speaker Gerald Polley


Greetings Mr. Ambassador!

Due to a serious shortage of funds we cannot send this message directly to your Prime Minister. We ask you to forward it to him. We also ask that you make it available to the media in Israel. It is very hard for us to get ahold of them, and this is a message that we want all of the people of Israel to hear. They will be supported by Those who serve God, that is unquestioned!

Speaker Gerald Polley


An Open Letter From John Lennon Apostle To Jesus Christ
To The Prime Minister Of Israel

On the back of this message is a document explaining the current situation I am in. As the leader of The Kingdom Of Israel in The Afterlife I will not only be responsible for Christians but for all Israelis as well. Therefore, I would very much appreciate the support of The Israeli People. I ask you sincerely to pass this message on to all your religious leaders and ask them to pray for me and to have the public accept me, that I may protect them, and protect them I will. I will never deny Israel's right to defend itself, nor will he who works with me in the material world. We will steadfastly condemn everyone that kills Israelis and punish them severely, either ten of their relatives' souls will be destroyed in their bodies so they become the living dead, or five of their relatives in The Afterlife will sacrifice themselves for every Israeli that is killed. No pardon will be given. Those who kill must be stopped! We oppose Hamas, Hezbollah and any other organization that seeks the extermination of Israel. We will defend God's chosen! I want you to know that without question, I want the Israeli People to know that without question. If I take this position I will support them and all who work with me will support them. For any that do not support Israel are not of God. It is that simple. So I seek your support but I also give you my promise of service, of absolute devotion to The People of Israel. I sincerely hope you will accept it.

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


An Open Letter From John Lennon Apostle To Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ
To The Prophet Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints

Most Profound Greetings!

The document on the back of this message explains the situation I am in. I ask your support. Though Joseph Smith has disbanded The Mormon Church in The Afterlife with the departure of Jesus, things that you have done since then have encouraged him and he believes that you could be the foundation for the restoration of Christianity. So he would like very much if you would support me and encourage me to take this position. If you were to do so and also provide the courier/protector that is needed to shield The Mormon People from the wrath of God, he would be willing to reorganize the church in The Kingdom Of Israel, and I would most certainly grant consent that he do so. It would certainly make it easier for us to work together. I, too believe that we can cleanse The Christian Church, drive out the sodomists and restore it, but none of us can do it alone. We must unite our powers and work together, or we will lose mankind. I beg of you to contact Speaker Gerald Polley, to recognize him as a messenger of God and instruct all in The Mormon Church to cooperate with him in all matters, even some of those that are unpopular to them. And I gaurantee you, The Mormons will be glorified! They will go to the stars, and the world that the Christians shall have when that occurs will be controlled by them. One of their daughters will rule over it spiritually as God's representative. God has promised this and it will be so. Those who save His children will receive the greatest rewards. I ask you to claim those rewards.

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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