Below is a letter that we have sent to First Lady Laura Bush and The President Of Pakistan which we are sharing with other Islamic nations, the Pakistani media, and the American media because of its profound importance.

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

December 6, 2,008

Below is a letter I have sent to The President Of Pakistan, again encouraging him to acquire the services of my servant and friend Speaker Gerald Polley, who We call Demetrius. I again ask you to contact the Pakistan embassy and encourage them to accept my proposal. Do you really think that a woman like Hillary Clinton is going to see to the welfare of the women of The Middle East when she does not even care about how women are treated in her own country? She will try to offend no man for power. She will speak out against nothing, and if she does no one will believe anything she says because they know she knows only how to lie. If you wait four years you will see the destruction of everything you have worked for. You will see the women of The Middle East treated like cattle and slaves. You will see the young women raped and those who have risen to any kind of authority murdered. This is what will happen if the fundamentalists take over. And without your support the possibility of that happening is very very strong. You have said you care. You have said you care about the plight of my daughters. You have said you want to help them. Don't be like this foul creature! Don't say one thing and do another! I know the challenges are great, that sometimes one would just like to rest and let others take the battle. But when there is no one else to fight one must carry on, one must do one's duty. Without you Demetrius cannot protect your sisters. Alone he cannot succeed. Do you really, really want to abandon them? I ask you not to. I ask you to stand fast. I ask you to oppose this foul creature and defend my treasures, defend my jewels, defend my pride. Do not let them be destroyed!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From God The Father To The President Of Pakistan Through His Embassy In Washington DC

December 6, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I have been writing to you concerning you turning over the situation of the terrorist attacks in India to my friend and servant Speaker Gerald Polley. I want to give you a couple examples of The Kingdoms Of God's work to show you what We are capable of doing. The women in The Afterlife, any woman who has ever been abused is joyously celebrating with his wife today with the conviction of O.J. Simpson and that he will spend at least nine years in prison, that his arrogance has finally been broken. And I will tell you right now this is by the relentless work of my servant's agents. Ever since O.J. was aquitted of murdering his wife my servant has made it his personal effort because he is a protector of women, to expose this man's evil and see to it that he is punished. His operatives set up the situation where O.J. thought he was so powerful that he could commit this crime and get away with it, that his lawyers could get him out of it, and then those agents saw to it that he was convicted. He might not have gone to prison for the murder of his wife, but he has gone to prison. Hopefully he will meet some big husky beau there and decide he simply wants to stay. This is one of my servant's greatest powers, his infinite patience. He will wait for the perfect opportunity and then strike. Those he hunts have no chance. Sooner or later he will find a weakness and he will exploit it, and justice will be done. This is his passion. This is what he must do. This is one example of how We accomplish things.
Another example is how easily We can disgrace and humiliate Our enemies. All through her campaign Hillary Clinton spoke out against sexism, against women being exploited by men, but now a photograph has surfaced of an Obama aide John Fabro, his chief speech writer, groping the breasts of a Hillary Clinton cut out while another man pretends to force her to drink alcoholic beverages. Not only does Clinton not condemn this individual but she now says she may give him a job in the state department despite this totally unacceptable behavior. Now she says it is just good natured fun, and men shouldn't be criticized for it. What if it was a picture of another woman that was being humiliated? Would she think it was good natured fun then, perfectly acceptable, guys just horsing around? Almost immediately she has betrayed the women she is supposed to represent and now says a man groping a woman's breasts is acceptable, it's just good natured fun. Do you see how easily We can discredit them, how easily We can expose their true character? This is a woman that will tolerate anything for power, accept the abuse of any woman to elevate her position. If she permits herself to be treated like this she would allow other women to be treated like this. This shows her true nature. We can do these things so easily. The sadness is that people do not listen. All they think about is the power that this person can give them, and not the betrayal that they are committing. Is this really the kind of person that The Islamic People want coming into their countries and representing The United States? I would say no.
I have forbidden my servants to have any dealings with this woman and the Obama administration whatsoever. They do not follow my principles. They do not believe in me. They are my enemies. With their greed and lust they would destroy my children. They believe in abusing my daughters for power. I cannot tolerate them. I ask every Islamic nation not to tolerate them. I again ask you to notify the American

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