An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
09-09-00 AJ



I never know who's going to be knocking on my door, so to speak, I don't actually have one. Whenever certain of my daughters come to me with that profound look in their precious eyes I know they want something very special from me, and Our precious Princess Diana, who We call Queen Diana is no exception. When she asks for an audience and looks at me with that precious little girl innocence I know she's going to present me with a difficult dilemma. She came to me and said "Our Father, I have heard of this concert you are trying to arrange with our beloved Sir McCartney, one of the world's greatest treasures. I have come to ask you to request of someone else that he join Sir Paul on this effort to raise funds for a Palestinian homeland. I wish you to request of Elton John that he join this effort, that he join this tour around the world and raise funds for the children of Palestine. This is very important. Though he cannot keep himself from violating your law and having joy with his own gender, he still loves You and loves the innocent children of the world. I want him to show the world that even though he has shortcomings he will support your just causes, even if You cannot accept what he does. I want him to have an opportunity to express his love for You to the world by standing in this effort. I would like very much that he do a number with Mrs. Polley, Our Mother Sarah. I can think of no better song for them to do than "The Virgin Islands". I have visions of her and Elton singing this number and the crowds going crazy over it. There is another mission I would like Our precious Elton to do to prove that he and those like him support You.
I have heard that You have asked the Rev. Richard Mahan, pastor at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Charleston, W.Va to ask one of the daughters of his church, one of its young women, to become a temporary courier/protector and take your petition to Nelson Mandela asking him to take The Throne Of Heaven. I would be deeply grateful if you would ask Elton to contact the good reverend and help sponsor this effort, to accompany him and, the young lady from his church who would be your courier, as my personal representative, and as the representative of the homosexual community around the world to tell Mr. Mandela that it's perfectly all right for him to serve my purpose and speak against homosexuality, that the majority of homosexuals will understand that as Your representative he would have to do this. Those who truly believe in God would not hold it against him, that for the sake of the world they ask him to accept Your proposal and take Heaven's Throne. I desire so much that Elton and Our beloved Demetrius could meet, but I know at this time it would be impossible. No matter how much Demetrius tried not to harm his soul he would do so. However, if the opportunity ever became possible I wish so much Elton could meet him and understand that though he has to oppose his lifestyle he is mankind's greatest hope. I ask you to let Elton know that these are my wishes, that I would appreciate it very much that if in my name he would do these things because he knows how much I would support this effort to bring true peace to The Middle East, and to end the ages of hate, to replace them with your love. He would know this would be my greatest desire no matter what the differences he had with Your servants striving for this cause, that I personally ask him to take part in this project.
This, Our Father, is my petition, what I desired to speak to You about. Oh! I would also like to send a message to the Queen. If she was to join this effort, go with Elton, the good reverend, and your representative to Mr. Mandela as a representative of the English people of all denominations, asking him to fulfill your wishes to accept The Throne Of Heaven, I will never ask my sons to abdicate again. Though I will despise them being her playthings, her puppets, I will not object. That is all, my Father."
I smiled quite joyously because in all truth I have had similar desires to those that Diana has expressed. I would like nothing better than to have Elton John perform these missions that she has suggested. And I do now, through the media of the world, extend the invitation for him to do so. I'm sure Alura, Speaker Linda Polley, who is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel, would be absolutely delighted to do the number that was suggested with Elton John. Elton would be perfectly safe in her presence. There is a possibility that Demetrius and Elton could greet. If We can get the courier/protector program going, and had two or three of them present during the occasion that should be enough protection so Elton's soul would be unharmed. It might even be regenerated! Doing these things that Diana requests would certainly improve his condition. I do extend the invitation. I see no harm in it, whatsoever. I would love such a demonstration of support from the homosexual community, that though we cannot agree on some things they will still support me and save my children. I would see no harm, whatsoever, in Elton being glorified by performing these tasks. So I ask the media of the world to let him know that I have extended the invitation, for him to fulfill Diana's wishes. I also extend the invitation to the Queen. Her support in the Mandela mission would be very beneficial to Us. Her raising the Anglican protector and bringing her to Demetrius would also be helpful, not to mention she could be an emmisary to The Pope, trying to gain his cooperation. She is one of my most powerful daughters. She should use that power!
I have heard that Governor Schwarzenegger is being asked to sign a bill honoring Harvey Milk. I ask him not to. Insanity should not be praised. Lunatics should not be called heroes.



He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever




The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek. ( Robert Louis Stevenson )


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