An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
29-09-00 AJ



Talk about an irritating dream! Three nights Demetrius has dreamed that Gadhafi came to visit and they had a banquet serving one of his favorite dishes; roast leg of lamb that had been basted with honey, white whine, and just a touch of lemon while it was cooking. Gadhafi said he would have it served to him often. Wonder if he really would like it? I know it's one of Demetrius' favorite recipies, simple, not heavily spiced. People ought to like it!
I must ask everyone with the deepest sincerity that worships me to stop watching Saturday Night Live. What the people on this show will do to keep their ratings up is disgusting beyond all imagination! With each passing year those they have hosting their program become more and more derranged beyond my point of bearing. They are no longer in any way humorous. Their program has no social value. It is just stupid people doing ignorant things to get acclaim and being praised by the world while my true workers are ignored and ridiculed. Sometimes it is necessary to ask that some things be brought to an end, and I sincerely believe it is time for Saturday Night Live to call an end and say "We've done enough to degrade the world. We'll let somebody else take over." The public should give them a very strong shove in the right direction.
I have been asked to inquire of Sharon Tate what she thinks of her husband being arrested because he ran from sentencing for having sex with a 13 year old girl. Isn't it somewhat of a coincidence that this happens just now? Sharon answers "What coincidence? I worked very hard to bring this thing to an end now. Though my husband was more the victim in this affair than the little bitch that betrayed him, the law is the law, and the matter should be dealt with. My husband has received everything the Lord promised. It is time for him to return to The United States and serve Him as he promised. What I would like is for the French government to arrange with The United States authorities that my husband return to The United States and serve three years' supervised probation and during those three years that he purchase the English and French rights to two of Speaker Gerald Polley's works, and one of Speaker Linda Polley's works, make them into films, and donate all the proceeds he receives from them to the fund for The Palestinian homeland, accomplishing two purposes, making the public aware of Speaker Polley, for his presidential efforts and bringing in funds for those efforts. I want our mother Sarah's work represented as well, so The Palestinian People will know that she is contributing to the purchase of their homeland as well as her beloved husband. I believe this would be a most excellent way of my husband paying the debts that are owed. My death in no way nullified the promises that we made, and those promises have not been completely carried out until my husband does his share.
As this would also glorify him for all time, make him one of the most famous men in the world, I'd also enjoy that. There is also another thing that he could do that would greatly please me. He could ask his wife and daughter to serve as temporary courier/protectors representing The Catholics. Each is very powerful and could serve for a month, giving Us two months that God's servant could prowl Europe and hunt our enemies. Perhaps in that time The Pope could be persuaded to fulfill God's wishes and We could get a permanent Catholic protector. If my husband was involved in these efforts it would give me the greatest joy. But I want this thing concluded in an honorable manner. I don't want it said that the man I loved was a coward and ran away and did not face his responsibilities. It will be something that will cause many to look down upon him for untold ages unless it is corrected. I want him to be remembered as a man of honor. I know the American government will resist this idea because they hate Speaker Polley and everything he stands for, and do not want him to succeed. They would rather destroy the human race than admit their sickness. My husband being a part of defeating them would bring me the greatest joy, so I ask the French government to put forth my proposal. Oh! The stories I would like my husband to purchase are "200 'Gainst 3,000", "The River Lady" by Speaker Gerald Polley, and "Spirit Lad." By Speaker Linda Polley. Here are the links to these stories so my husband can check them out and see how wondrous they are. Some day I hope my husband may continue this effort, and also do "Susan: The Prisoner." But that work is not yet ready.



There are several other works that I would also like to have my husband purchase and have published in French, and share the profits with Speaker Polley to go towards the courier/protector project and the Palestinian homeland. There is so much that they could do together! My husband is supposed to be there. He is supposed to be one of the special ones, leading his children to the stars. He's late!"
That's it! That's what Sharon has to say. We wish her desires to be fulfilled. But as she says, the American government would never permit it. However, We could certainly use the man.
WSVN Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Frank Guzman asked to be removed from Our mailiing list. He has been. Also Mr. Guzman has been removed from The Book Of Life, and all associated with him, his family, his employers, his coworkers. Some say this is unfair, but it is my rule. If you support someone that denies me, that rejects my messages, you suffer his fate which is eternal separation from me. We cannot tolerate disobedience at this time. Someone should get ahold of these people and tell them that they should separate themselves from this man, contact my servant and ask to be put back on our mailing list so they will not share his fate. However if I do not hear from them that is what will happen.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


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