An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
05-09-00 AJ



We want to take this opportunity to thank again the people that are putting out the Beatles Rock Band game. Nothing could've been more beneficial to Us at this time! It is like someone planned to energize Us! It's the 10th anniversary of John Lennon beginning his work with Demetrius and Alura. There are some still saying that he should be the Ruler of The Kingdoms Of God not Nelson Mandela. But there's no chance of this as We will never be able to reach Yoko. And he will not serve unless she can be saved. But without the power levels that all this publicity is bringing in We doubt We would be able to succeed even with Our unknown help. However, that unknown help may not be unknown any more. We nearly lost Demetrius' services last night. He simply said "I've had enough! I can't do this any more, not without support!" I tried to comfort him by commenting that "Look what we've accomplished. People are accepting people that have the power. The new first lady of Japan is one of your people. She is already relating her adventures. Yet her husband has been elected and this may be of benefit to Us. It is a very favorable sign." "Not enough," Demetrius answered, and broke Our connection with him. This immediately caused chaos. Ted Kennedy was no longer able to stay with his accuser and fled back into the Darkness and other things occured. But then Demetrius dreamed a dream. His daughter from ages past appeared to him and he said "Well, hello, stranger! What have you been up to?" "Using my power," she answered, "to make my husband the leader of Japan and showing off a little bit! Father, I should have come to you sooner but they didn't want me to. They were hoping we'd get together without it, and my physical form would realize what I was supposed to do. You'd better see everything that happened." She then made Demetrius aware of the journey that she had been taken on. When she was done Demetrius moaned "Well that explains a lot! Incredible! And they're just showing up now?" "Oh, no!" his daughter told him. They've been aware of us for many years. We're looking for some way to approach. But now that you need them they took action. You've got to give everything a little bit more time, father, you can't give up now. I wouldn't mind taking care of them. I had other things in mind but they are our people. Please try a little bit longer?" Demetrius sighed, agreed, and when he woke up reestablished contact. Ted Kennedy came back out of the Darkness and other projects were reempowered. Even I breathed a sigh of relief.
But there is a problem. Demetrius will not reveal what he knows publicly. He'll only give it to the young woman in question privately because she cannot be forced into this situation. She must accept what she is offered freely. A little aspect of Our law that some people wish didn't exist, but is fundamental to Our way. You just can't make people do things, they have to do them freely and willingly. So I extend an invitation to this young woman to come to The United States and be a temporary spiritual protector, stay with Demetrius for a week, and learn what it is that is asked of her. The reincarnation of his daughter from so long ago should not have any problems feeling my summons and should readily join Us. She is destined for great things. Many people shall praise her. But there are a people that will worship her.
Again I must declare why the current American administration is, as far as I am concerned, damned. Again they attack Israel's rights to build settlements on their own land, trying to push their senseless peace accords that will never work. This is why Obama and all of his family have been removed from The Book Of Life and will never enter my Kingdoms. It is my goal to eventually have his wife and daughters denounce him, separate themselves from him and regain their immortality. But he will never enter into my Kingdoms, there is no place for him or any that work for him that would steal my people's land to make a false peace, that will only end in the destruction of mankind. I rebuke all that push this peace proposal and I put my own peace proposal forward instead, a separate homeland for The Palestinians on land purchased from Egypt. I ask the people of the world to support Demetrius, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, in his efforts to raise the funds to purchase this land. But I will never accept the betrayal of my people. The United States has no right to tell The Israeli People where they can and cannot build in their own country, and anyone that thinks he does or she does forfeits their eternal life, no discussion, no arguments, that's it! So those that want eternal life better renounce this proposal and join mine.
It is little doubt Iran is feeling the pressure of my constant attacks. For the first time since the revolution they have appointed a female cabinet member, but they also are showing their defiance by making a murderer defense minister. As I have said, I will drive those mad responsible for the suicide bombings so their own people will have to destroy them. Looks like I'm doing a pretty good job in Iran! Pretty soon The Iranian People are going to say "Enough!" and put these lunatics out, hopefully without a great deal of bloodshed. But with the oppression they are committing to remain in power that will be doubtful. With each passing day they generate more and more hate against them and sooner or later that hate will burst forth. That's the thing with dictators! They create the power that will destroy them. I just have to use it, and I use it very well!
Here's the latest art.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever





The cruelest lies are often told in silence. ( Robert Louis Stevenson )


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